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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Standing in a circle, students share their love by holding out heart shapes for the festive season. From handwritten notes to helping hands, the West High community shows their affection in unique ways this Valentine’s season — celebrating friendship, kindness and connection beyond just romance. Sophomore Trent Young expresses his take on the meaning behind showing affection. “Love isn’t just buying roses and taking someone to dinner, it’s being able to have an emotional connection with someone no matter who they are,” Young said.

Love that comes in every form

Esta Kamau and Ayah Zayed February 18, 2025

When you first hear the words “love” or “Valentine’s Day,” you probably think about relationships, about the affection you give to the person you care about. Maybe you feel sad because you don’t...

No matter the form of music —  vinyls, cassettes, CDs and playlists — anti-love songs have been apparent for decades. Whatever the genre or the context of the source material, when artists choose to be open about the realities of their relationships, it leads to vulnerability in their writing, ultimately, making timeless tracks.

Love bites

Mikalah Owens, Staff Writer February 14, 2024

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, classic love songs — and way too many Taylor Swift songs — are plastered everywhere. For people in a relationship, the hallmark holiday is a sentimental...

Pathfinder Bachelorette: Valentine’s Day Edition EP. 3

Pathfinder Bachelorette: Valentine’s Day Edition EP. 3

Raj Jaladi and Tyler Smith February 15, 2023

Click here to watch part one Click here to watch part two

Pathfinder Bachelorette: Valentine’s Day Edition EP. 2

Pathfinder Bachelorette: Valentine’s Day Edition EP. 2

Raj Jaladi and Tyler Smith February 14, 2023

Click here to watch part one

When people think of love, most picture a stereotypical romantic relationship, but this year, a compilation of various love stories shows that love is so much more than what the media commonly portrays on Valentine’s Day. “Love can be anything you want it to be,” junior Katherine Goodwin said.

What is love?

Audrey Ghosh and Claire Creely February 14, 2023

When you first hear the word love, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s the person who gives you butterflies or the person who raised you. Perhaps it's that friend you play Mario Kart with all night, talking...

Brach's Tiny Conversation Hearts

We heart Brach’s Tiny Conversation Hearts

Brach’s Tiny Conversation Hearts are colorful bite-sized little hearts to make your Valentine's Day even better. These little hearts are manufactured in Mexico and only cost $3.29, they can reach anyone...

Jelly Belly's Valentine's Day jellybean box include 10 different flavors.

Bamboozled beans

Packaging:  This collaged box of warm colors and Valentine’s day themed clipart includes 10 colorful, heartwarming flavors of gourmet jelly beans, appealing to a sugar connoisseur. We were immediately...

Sweeten your heart

Sweeten your heart

CJ1 Writers February 13, 2023

Ghirardelli Valentine's Chocolate comes in three flavors: Milk Chocolate and Caramel, Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Caramel and White Chocolate and Créme Brûlée.

Better together: Ghirardelli Valentine’s chocolate

You don't need to have the love of your life to enjoy these chocolates! Ghiradelli is back with its seasonal chocolate heart assortments just in time for Valentine's day. At an average price of $5.99,...