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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Dancing to the beat of Greek music, sophomore Kristina Humphrey performs at the 2016 St. Louis County Greek Festival.

Sophomore Kristina Humphrey explains what it’s like to be a greek dancer

Hannah Rushing, Convergent Media Writer January 27, 2017

Although school activities like orchestra, debate, theater and improv take up a great amount of sophomore Kristina Humphrey’s time, she makes an effort to be involved outside of school in Greek dance...

Sophomores motivate others through comical Instagram account

Samantha Gaddis, COPY EDITOR April 22, 2016
Loaney and Eickmann initially intended the account to be something funny that would gain them more followers. However, they never expected to learn something about themselves along the way.
Longhorn LoCo students volunteered at Schnucks by ringing bells to help raise money for the Salvation Army and struggling families in need on Nov. 8. 

Week of Nov. 9 – 13

Mary Galkowski, Staff Writer, Photographer November 16, 2015
Girls Cross Country placed 10th at the state meet, and boys placed 13th on Nov. 6.
One guy trend that I'll admit to not understanding at all is jogger pants. Probably the only fad which is more plentiful in the men's department, these pants have been popular since last year. These are only one of about twenty pairs my brothers own. The shirt and shoes are also my brothers', and when paired, the different greys more current in men's fashions create a blocked look.

How to shop the men’s department (for girls)

Madeline Burns, Staff Writer November 6, 2015
Yes, I shop in the men’s department. Read on, and you might start to as well.
Cosmic Latté, the official West jazz band comprised of studio jazz students, starts their set at the Autumn Orchestra Concert with the song Blue Monk.

Gallery: Cosmic Latté, school jazz band

Joe Williams, Photo Editor October 23, 2015

Junior Melany Yeung participates in 2 A.P. science courses.

Students seek higher education over Summer

Bronte Segura, Staff Writer May 13, 2015
Starting in June, two juniors and five sophomores will participate in different summer programs focused on giving students experiences beyond what is presented in high school
Cheerleading prepares for next year

Cheerleading prepares for next year

Lily Briscoe, Staff Writer May 11, 2015
The Varsity cheerleading squad for the upcoming season practices at Xcel Gym.
Freshmen Khushali Sarnot moved from India recently.

Students move from one country to the next

Vaishal Shah, Staff Writer May 1, 2015
Students at West High coming from different countries share their story.
Raising the bar

Raising the bar

Hannah Hoffmann, TECHNICAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF May 1, 2015

Spinning in midair to get herself over a six-feet-tall bar, freshman Sydney Kinzy lets go of her pole as she falls to the mat below. Purely a sprinter in the past, Kinzy decided to give pole vaulting...

Defending for equality in co-ed competition

Defending for equality in co-ed competition

Sohia McMorrow, Staff Writer April 27, 2015

Swimming to reach her opponent, sophomore Emily Bauer press block defends him and stops him from passing the ball. Bauer was one of three girls on the water polo team. “I played games with JV, but I...