![“This school year, I'm looking forward to really settling into West, because last year I was a freshman getting used to the environment, and now that I [am aware of] my surroundings, I know the opportunities that West provides me. I feel like getting more involved than I was last year and it's going to be [a] fun [experience] for me. [This year I am going to] join the diplomacy club and the spanish club. I'm excited to meet new people, try new things and see what those clubs are about. I [might] join volleyball again, because I had a lot of fun doing [it] last year. I'm also on the robotics team at West and I'm super excited, because last year I didn't have any past experience in robotics, but now I know the lay of the land and what I'm doing. [This year] I think my personal growth is my [biggest] motivator. I've always wanted to be a better person and just continue growing [in] this journey of self improvement and [through] joining these clubs. Discovering myself in high school really [helped to] push me, and that has been my motivator for a long time. I love the community here, [and] I love all the opportunities that the school has given me.”- Adam Thomas, 10](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/WunschA_ThomasA1-Anna-Wunsch-1200x800.jpg)
Adam Thomas
Anna Wunsch, Staff Writer
• September 13, 2024

Graduating gears
Mikalah Owens, Staff Writer
• March 28, 2024

STEM mayhem
Audrey Ghosh, Opinions Editor
• March 25, 2024
![Peering through his glasses, Blue Brains Team Lead and senior Sawyer Ladd carefully examines his team’s robot in between contests. As team lead, Ladd seeks to encourage collaboration among his teammates. “We try [to] become more than just a group of people achieving successful robotics. On my team, I've tried to make us more of a friend group than a robotics team. So that's improved our team chemistry — we just generally enjoy being around each other and that allows us to work together a little [better],” Ladd said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/DSC_0021-1-1200x801.jpg)
Robotics teams compete at Ladue Tournament
Serena Liu, Editor-in-Chief
• February 8, 2024

Beyond the bots
Esta Kamau, Features/Humans of West Editor
• April 17, 2023

Worlds VEX Robotics Competition: Robotics team assembles a successful weekend
Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer
• June 4, 2021
![Sitting behind the A-team’s robot, junior and robotics team president Rick Biswas converses about the bot with Donaldson, who is behind the camera. Since joining the robotics team, Biswas decided to pursue a related career such as mechanical engineering or computer science. “. After I joined [the robotics team at West], I knew for sure that this was what I wanted to do,” Biswas said. “In general, everyone’s really supportive, especially Mr. Donaldson and the teams. Before I joined the robotics team, I was new here and I didn’t talk to many people. At robotics, I met new people, made new friends. They supported me to be [who] I am right now. ”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/5430A_Closeup-4-900x675.jpg)
A winning streak: the robotics program’s recent successes and struggles
Tanvi Kulkarni, Features Editor
• April 1, 2021
![During Robotics Club, sophomores David Meisinger and Rick Biswas build a robot that they competed with in local competitions. Freshman Joseph Britt notes that cooperation was an important factor in the team qualifying for worlds. “Our team is mostly new people, so it is pretty exciting that we were able to work together,” Britt said. “I really like the environment there, and we have been spending a lot of our weekends working on the bot. We aren’t fighting over jobs or fighting over who gets to do what or [over] what the bot should do. We are all able to work together and execute it as a team.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/image-4-900x600.png)
Robotics team qualifies for their first VRC World Championship
Zoe DeYoung, Staff Writer
• April 23, 2020
![Experimenting with prototypes to create different types of motion, freshman Joseph Britt works on his automaton for engineering teacher Chris Donaldson's Intro to Engineering class. In the week leading up to spring break, Britt, along with junior Levi Ladd and sophomores Rick Biswas and David Meisinger, worked on their robotics project during class in anticipation of competing at the 2020 Vex Robotics World Championships, under the agreement that they would finish the class project over spring break. "I offered to build [the automaton] because I had the parts to build it, and it's important to keep busy. It can be fun to challenge yourself and do new things," Britt said. "I am planning on learning some new skills, like text coding, that I might use next year in robotics. If you don't always have something interesting to do, the time can just kind of blend together and you can get bored."](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IMG_5823-900x675.jpg)
Photo of the week – March 23
Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• March 27, 2020

Robotics and Soccer: how two students qualified for the world championship
Jacob Stanton, Staff Writer
• November 18, 2019