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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Peaceful walkout allows students to embrace equality

Peaceful walkout allows students to embrace equality

Debra Klevens, Staff Writer December 5, 2014
Students walked out of classes at 10:45 a.m. in hopes of starting a conversation leading to social equality.
During Lauren Bernstein's Spanish III class, sophomores Grant Cline,  Alyssa Jackson and Victoria Marston participate in a silent written debate about the Michael Brown case. "It's ironic this is falling on the same day as the scheduled walk-out; that was not intentional," Bernstein said.

Protest walk out for social equality

Allie Collins, People of West Editor December 4, 2014
Sophomore Alyssa Jackson plans a school wide walk out protest for social inequality.
"We learn about history so we can prevent it from repeating in the future...If we forget about that, we could very easily do it again," sophomore Grant Aden said.

Colorado Students ‘Strike’ Down District Proposals

Sydney Kinzy, PHOTO EDITOR October 10, 2014

In the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, instead of filling the hallways at school, students stood along the streets, holding signs reading "There is nothing more patriotic than protest.” Tension between...