Photo of the week – Oct. 29
Drew Boone, Staff Writer
• November 1, 2019

Photo of the week – Oct. 21
Tre Bell, Staff Writer
• October 25, 2019
![Getting ready to bite into food truck menu options from UKRAFT Eats, junior Claire Middleton and seniors Aaliyah Weston and Reema Alhachami learn about the logistics of owning a food truck from owner and operator Matt Ratz. Marketing I teacher Holly Weber brought in Ratz to guide students as they create their own food trucks for their class projects, and inspire them to set and accomplish goals. "There are so many different options of what you can eat, or what [the truck] can look like and hearing about how it started was so interesting to me,” Middleton said. “[Ratz] said specifically that you should follow your dreams, and you have an idea or a vision of something you really want to do, go for it and go all in. It gave me more of a positive outlook and if I do set my mind to something I can get there and accomplish it.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/unnamed-1-2-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the week – Sept. 23
Susie Seidel, Convergence Media Editor
• September 27, 2019
![At a field hockey team dinner, sophomores Sarah Kline and Annie Zahoran blow up another balloon for a competition to see who could not let the balloon drop to the floor on Sept. 2. Members of the field hockey program met at Coach Dawn Callahan’s house for a team dinner of Italian food. “We were playing keep it up with the balloons as a competition between our three teams, but we ended up popping all of them. I was really struggling [to blow the balloons up] but we ended up having a lot of fun anyways," Kline said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/DSC_0098-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the week – Sept. 2
Kathryn McAullife, CEIC Intern
• September 6, 2019

Photo of the week – Aug. 12
Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• August 16, 2019

Photo of the week – May 13
Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• May 17, 2019

Photo of the week – April 29
Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• May 3, 2019

Photo of the week – April 22
Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• April 23, 2019

Photo of the week – April 15
Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• April 18, 2019
![Landing her triple jump, freshman Laurel Rakers competes in a track meet against Parkway South, April 10. Rakers worked with both coaches and older teammates to perfect her jumps and cites senior Tess Allgeyer as one of her role models on the team. “I just started this year. I really liked long jumping, and my coach wanted me to try the triple jump. I loved it," Rakers said. "The support from [the team] and the coaches keep you going.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/POTW412-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the week – April 8
Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• April 12, 2019