Seniors Tell All: College
Maddy Tarter, Yearbook Contributor
• March 4, 2025

Love that comes in every form
Esta Kamau and Ayah Zayed
• February 18, 2025

And the winner is…
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• November 22, 2024
![Striking a pose following their group dance, the 2024 Mr. Longhorn contestants welcome their audience to the show. Throughout the night, the nine competitors participated in an occupational section, skits for the talent portion and a fashion attire show before finalists were interviewed. “It's a fun time getting to hang out with my friends and doing [our] acts. I think I'm most excited for my performance with [seniors Bart Connors, Gavin Hamlin and Colin Hughes]. I like that I get to dance a little bit. I don't think I'm very good, but I'm gonna try my best to put on a show,” contestant and senior Henry Wild said.](
Meet the competition
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• November 21, 2024
![“Sports [can] teach you a lot of things, and playing on the team can teach you leadership. When you're working with a bunch of guys, you’ve got to know what's best for the team, and you've got to do whatever is best for the team. Commitment is a big part of sports. Some days, you don't want to show up to practice, [but] you have to do it because it's what's best for the team. You just [have] to be committed. You [gain] better relationships and you make a lot of friends when you play sports. You're spending at least two hours a day with those people, so you build really strong relationships with your teammates. If you put in the work, you're bound to get better.” - Henry Wild, 12](
Henry Wild
Max Chung, CJ1 Writer
• October 17, 2024

End of an era
Will Gonsior, Opinions/A&E Editor
• December 5, 2023