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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


”The cello, I see it as an extension of myself. [When] I'm having a good day, I find it really easy to just sink into the music, [and] feel connected to the piece. If the piece I'm playing is happy, then I feel happy, and if the piece is slow paced or something sad, then I can feel that emotion. [Playing] forces me to be patient, and that has really improved the way I talk with other people, whether it's in an argument, or I'm trying to make a point. [To me], the most rewarding part is perfecting a piece, so that it's unique to you and no one else can replicate it.” - Isaah Kandula, 9

Isaah Kandula

Max Chung, CJ1 Writer March 7, 2025

“At one point, I would love to have people look up to me and [allow myself to] be really good at sports. One day [I’d like to] be as good as [my brother, senior] Lukas Peterson. A couple days ago, I had a football game and [freshman quarter-back] Tanner Hickert threw me a pass and I caught it at the 30 yard line and ran. [I] almost ran it in the end zone, but I stopped because I heard someone behind me. I really regret that because I could have scored, and if we [had] scored, we would have been only down by three. We still lost in the end, but I feel like if we scored, our [enthusiasm] would [have been] up more. I love football and winning is just a good feeling. Obviously, you don't want to lose, and I'm competitive, [but] football is just a great sport. Hopefully [in the future], I'll pursue it and play in college.” - Jack Peterson, 9

Jack Peterson

Tomas Gumpel, CJ1 Writer October 15, 2024

“In eighth grade, I took a video production class in which I learned the basics of video recording and photography. I just find it fascinating how, depending on how you look at things, or in a wide-angle position, it will look different to you. I also get inspired from seeing how great things look when you look at them from [different] perspectives. I couldn't help myself from just trying to find angles to make [where] if I were to take a picture, it would look really good. I think that's also how it started. The city can look pretty great if you take a look at it from an artistic view when taking pictures. If you find just the right angle in the city, you can make it look like it's a completely different place.” - Angel Olvera Galan, 9

Angel Olvera Galan

Charles Brady, CJ1 Writer October 10, 2024

“[My favorite thing about freshman year has been] making friends with the seniors on the swim team. Being around my teammates has made me really excited [about future years on] the team. [One] challenge so far has been the meets because of how fast the competition is compared to club. My friends and teammates help me the most. They pushed me in practice to help me [improve]. [My teammates] like to chant my name or say, ‘This is where your hard pays off, dont let it be for nothing,’ or ‘Don't chase them, let them chase you,’ which helps me. Swimming has shaped me to be [who] I am today, and [pushed me to] work hard and develop my mind. The best part of swimming is [seeing my] improvement and knowing I will get better through my hard work.” - Mason Moellering, 9

Mason Moellering

Ava Kerber, CJ1 Writer October 9, 2024

From the very first Homecoming in 1941 up to today, over 75 years later, earning the title of Homecoming royalty has been a popular dream for nearly every high school student participating in the festivities. At Parkway West, 10 students were nominated for this honor, with the four seniors serving as the finalists for the sought-after title of Homecoming Queen. "It's so much fun to be able to dress up, get cute photos with your friends and just be able to feel the love from the West Community," senior Gabbie Catlett said.

Meet the court

Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief September 28, 2024

  As Parkway West finds itself amidst Homecoming week chaos, the return of annual traditions has brought on spirit, competition and an infamous sense of unity that reverberates through the halls....

“I have been playing football for a long time and have enjoyed it. This year especially, I had so much fun. I was very happy when I made varsity because freshmen don't usually make the team [their first year of high school.] I love being around the guys [on the team] and I am going to miss the senior [mentors] next year. I will never forget the impact the seniors and Coach Duncan had on me. It was not only a team, it was a family. I felt like I belonged.” - Ethan Bain, 9

Ethan Baine

Noor Hacking, Staff Writer May 21, 2024

“Whenever I was younger, I did competitive cheer and I loved it. I was mid-competition of my 
cheer when my appendix ruptured. After that moment, I stopped doing competitive cheer. Obviously, it wasn't my ideal situation to be in. I wasn't very happy that I discontinued competitive cheer, but I decided that I wanted to start doing something else that filled the shoes of competitive cheer. That was tennis. My parents pushed me [to become] the player I am today. Of course, like any other athlete, I've had regrets and moments I felt proud. After all of it, I knew I was happy with the friends and the person I have become from tennis. The environment [around] tennis was just amazing. I continued playing tennis and now, freshman year, I'm on junior varsity and love it. I look forward to practices and matches after school. I love the activities we do as a team and I love how my team just bonds. Overall, taking the risk is scary but it's worth it.” - Kaitlyn Sundermeyer, 9

Kaitlyn Sundermeyer

Megan Price, CJ1 Writer November 6, 2023

The best summer bops: West’s favorite songs heading into break

The best summer bops: West’s favorite songs heading into break

Triya Gudipati and Rachel Brazier June 2, 2023

As the school year begins to wind down, warm temperatures, tanning, swimming and, most importantly, music has been on everyone’s minds. With break starting today, we asked members of the West community...

Prior to their State final round, A Team ran into Mo the mascot, smiling for a picture. With half of A Team graduating this year, senior Owen Arneson hopes that their State title will attract more people to the program. “No matter what you show up there to do, as long as you have a positive attitude and have a good time, [you’ll] be fine because you can compete as seriously or casually as you want,” Arneson said.

The road to victory: Scholar Bowl clinches their first-ever state title one buzz at a time

Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief June 2, 2023

On May 6, seven West students traveled to the University of Missouri to compete in the MSHSAA Scholar Bowl State Championship. Ranging from freshmen to seniors, these members of the A-Team placed first...