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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Librarian Brian Welch stands with a library cart, preparing to shelve books. He feels that there is a lot that goes into keeping the library organized. “You always try to make yourself busy, because there's a lot to do,” Welch said. “There are things that always can be done. If you look around, you can see that there's stuff going on in this library. It's a working library, and it sometimes looks chaotic [with] stuff everywhere. But that just means we're doing our job and the people are utilizing the space."

Meet the man behind the reading reservoir

Christopher Reed, Staff Writer February 4, 2022

Librarian Brian Welch has always loved books. As a kid, he would check out his books to his friends. He helped open a bookstore from scratch. Now, he has accomplished his dream of working in a library. Welch...

Highlighting the importance of access to feminine hygiene products for all, sophomores Anna Newberry, Mira Nalbandian, Santi Lugo and Mason Paul model their future club plans. Newberry believes inaccessibility of products can lead to health issues, embarrassment and even a lack of belonging. “I want to stock bathrooms with feminine hygiene products to help reduce stigma and embarrassment that can come with having a period,” Newberry said. “I know [I] haven’t come to school before because I was embarrassed and wanted to go home, or I was in pain or didn’t have what I needed to have. I feel like everyone has a right to be here, and I feel like no one should feel like they can’t come to school.”

Fighting stigmas and the Pink Tax by ‘Going with the Flow’

Brinda Ambal, Staff Writer September 27, 2019

Period. Any mention of this word will probably result in a flurry of teenage boys scurrying to distance themselves from the speaker as fast as humanly possible.  However, sophomores Anna Newberry and...

Hopkins poses by the Christmas market in Strasbourg, France. "From living in France, I learned to take advantage of each chapter of my life as much as possible, because it won't last forever," Hopkins said. "In each place you live, you'll have friends and opportunities that are unique to that time and place. I can't easily visit a museum of medieval art or take a train to Switzerland anymore, so I'm glad I did it when I had the chance."

Getting to know French teacher Blair Hopkins

Gabby Leon, Staff Writer January 8, 2018

Pathfinder: What is your job? Hopkins: “I am a part-time French teacher. I do French I and French II, so I am here in the morning from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.” What got you interested in teaching French? “I...

Technology and Engineering teacher Chris Donaldson helps senior Jack Fox during the Day of Code on December 6. Donaldson teaches three courses, all involving technology and engineering. “I am most excited to see students try new things, build skills and develop strengths they may not have previously realized they had," Donaldson said. "[I want] to build positive relationships with students and staff and to positively impact students’ attitudes toward STEM concepts, classes and career choices.”

Getting to know Technology and Engineering teacher Chris Donaldson

Gabby Leon, Staff Writer December 20, 2017

Pathfinder: What got you interested in teaching? Donaldson: "I had a few stand-out teachers in high school and college. What struck me is how they were able to take complex concepts, break them down...

Teacher assistant Matt Tesson makes an announcement over the intercom. "My greatest challenge, so far, has been getting over my nerves of making the afternoon bus announcement to the whole school! [The] first few times were nerve wracking," Tesson said. “The best way to overcome any challenge is facing it head on.  I’m not nervous [making announcements] anymore."

Getting to know teacher assistant Matt Tesson

Gabby Leon, Staff Writer December 18, 2017

What is your job? What do you do for your job? “I’m a teacher's assistant, and I have a few different responsibilities. First, I have lunch duty, in which I make sure students are not roaming the...

Special Education teacher Nicole Sneed helps senior Nicholas Waldrop at a game of bingo. “My favorite thing about my job is the relationship I have with my students. I enjoy having inside jokes with my students as well as knowing their interests. It helps us connect and form a positive relationship," Sneed said.

Getting to know Special Education teacher Nicole Sneed

Gabby Leon, Staff Writer December 14, 2017

What is your job? What do you do? “I am a special education teacher. I help students learn by evaluating their current ability, creating and implementing appropriate interventions and providing accommodations...

Headshot of Dietary Aid, Linda Peterson.

Faculty Spotlight: Linda Peterson, dietary aid

Alina Dunder, Staff Writer April 26, 2017

Pathfinder: What was your hometown like? Peterson: [I was born on] September 13, 1951. I was born and raised in Detroit, MI. We could go anywhere as long as we were home when the lights came on, your...

Out of 166 certified teachers at West, only six are of color, making student diversity greater than teacher diversity.

Students push to raise awareness for lack of teacher diversity

Emily Dickson, Convergent Media Writer May 12, 2016
The school has been making an effort to promote religion, gender and racial inclusiveness in Common Ground, but many students feel this is rendered ineffective with an undiversified teaching staff.
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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High