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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Clara Sun stands next to her mentor Dr. Blythe Janowiak, who guided Sun through the STARS program.

Student Spotlight: Clara Sun

Claire Martin, Staff Writer September 28, 2014
Participating in the STARS summer program, junior Clara Sun received the science research award.
The Greater Tuna cast dances at the end of the play.

‘Greater Tuna’ Review

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief September 26, 2014

Four cast members. 15 characters. 36 costume changes. On Friday, Sept. 26 at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., as well Saturday at 7:00 p.m., the Parkway West Theatre Department takes the audience through a day...

Junior Kyla Hatton talks about her time in Mexico

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief September 22, 2014
Kathryn Harter interviews junior Kyla Hatton about the Spanish trip to Mexico from the past week.
Junior Lauren Schumacher, Prepa Tec student Jessica Vellejo, junior Ellie Nazzoli, Prepa Tec students Karen, Jessica, Alicia, and Gonzalo, senior Nathan Rands and Bayleigh Williams sit on a wall facing Monterrey's mountains. "We were waiting to go into the famous Caverns of Garcia. Even though it was too dark to go into the caverns, we still made the most of our trip there," Williams said.

Mexican exchange program changes arrival dates

Jane Fuller, Staff Writer September 18, 2014
Spanish Teacher Elieen Rodriguez-Kiser proposed a solution to the weather problems prohibiting travel for the exchange program.
Camera Ready

Camera Ready

Debra Klevens, Convergent Media Writer September 15, 2014
Senior Alyssa DeVoto discusses the knowledge she has acquired from Photography.

Student Spotlight: Justin McDonald

Nathan Rands, Staff Writer September 3, 2014
Junior Justin McDonald shares his self-taught talent: playing the piano.

Parkway teachers and staff take part in an intruder training program

Hannah Hoffmann, TECHNICAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF August 29, 2014
The staff and administration share stories from intruder training on Aug. 7 and discuss Parkway's future security propositions.
The Kirkwood security catastrophe

The Kirkwood security catastrophe

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief January 18, 2014

Is KSDK always "on your side"? On Jan. 16, the staff of KSDK news channel five released a broadcast on School Security. Using an undercover reporter, they "tested" the security of five school in the...