Love that comes in every form
Esta Kamau and Ayah Zayed
• February 18, 2025

Pulsera power: Spanish Club’s mission to make a difference
Keira Lang and Zoya Hasan
• May 13, 2024
Spring Spirit Week
Sakenah Lajkem, Esta Kamau, and Ruthvi Tadakamalla
• March 4, 2024
![For the past three years, Parkway has administered high school finals after winter break, a practice that proves to be detrimental to the success as well as the mental health of students. With finals after break appearing to do more harm than good, the question of what changes can be made arises time and time again. “The pressure for finals is difficult, and to have that [pressure for] a few weeks because you're on [a] break can make you generally sad. It's a bummer in general. I wish [finals] were before break, so we [could] have a break to sleep, celebrate and not study. Everyone I've talked to about it is like 'yeah, finals sucks,' and I wish that wasn't a thing,” junior Meadow Kostial said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/decembereditorial-1200x963.jpg)
Post-break panic
Zoya Hasan, Keira Lang, and Pathfinder Editorial Board
• January 5, 2024
![During fourth hour planning period, Dominique and Francisco Navarro discuss lesson plans. The Navarro's enjoy sharing teaching strategies and having the opportunity to brainstorm what is best for students together. ''I love to inspire people and [make them] a little more open-minded to the world around us,” D. Navarro said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/navarro-900x543.jpg)
Los dos Navarros: spouses and Spanish teachers in the same corridor
Tasneem Nasufovic, Staff Writer
• December 6, 2019

Meet the new faces of our staff
Leah Schroeder, Managing Editor-in-Chief
• September 16, 2019