Blending worlds together
Will Gonsior, Opinions/A&E Editor
• October 10, 2024
![“I'm excited for what the future holds. [Being a professional dancer] gives me a space where I can just be myself and I can transfer [my] emotions to my dance. My favorite [type of] dance is Jazz. It's really fun and there are a bunch of different styles within it. I can do a bunch of a bunch of tricks, [and] I like turns. I'm most happy [when I’m with] my dance friends because they just get me. We've grown up together, and they're really special to me. My biggest struggle is being a perfectionist, because with being a dancer [I] have to get everything right. [I have to have] the right counts, [and do] the tricks right, so [I] just have to be perfect [in] doing things. My favorite memory is probably [going to] nationals. We won the entire competition. We got first place, and it was really fun, seeing everyone in the audience tear up. We were all so happy, we just forgot about all of our worries.” - Poppi Wright, 11](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/IMG_7178-1200x800.jpg)
Poppi Wright
Alexia Neeser, CJ1 Writer
• November 10, 2023
![“Even though I really love performing and practicing every day, my favorite part about the dance team has to be the people on the team and the bonds that I've made the past two years. That's really what's kept me coming back. I've made friendships on Longhorn Line that will last a long time and I have met my best friends through dance. This year, I'm taking harder classes than I did last year. So, my biggest fear going into sophomore year was having too much homework and having to either pull back on the amount of dance that I was doing on the dance team or quit dance altogether in order to get all my work done. Around this time last year, I dislocated my shoulder during a performance. It took me out of dance for a really long time while I tried to rehabilitate my shoulder. It was really hard for me because I couldn't move my arm at all. I pretty much lost any strength I had in my arm. I had to get it all back and it took a really long time. I had to work everyday to get my strength back. It was a struggle for me because I couldn't dance and I literally had to dance with one arm. A struggle for me right now is balancing everything that's going on in my life, like studio, Longhorn Line and homework. It’s hard because I try to make sure I get all my homework done, but also knowing all my routines and [being able to] go to practices and studio every night. I’m happiest at studio dance because that's where all my best friends are. When you go to the studio each night you can forget anything that happened during your day. It's kind of like a little escape from the rest of your life or whatever is happening at that moment.” - Lila Kayser, 10](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/DSC_0002-1200x800.jpg)
Lila Kayser
Marley Wright, CJ1 Writer
• October 17, 2023

Paige Schnarr
Angie Ren, Staff Writer
• May 24, 2023
![Fully running through “Pippin” for the first time, sophomore Jack Mullen performs the opening number alongside his castmates to kick off tech week. Having been diagnosed with COVID-19 one week before the show, theater teacher and Director Amie Gossett relied on her students to step up to help the show run smoothly in her absence. “As a whole, this has been a very collaborative experience for all the kids. They’ve learned to take responsibility [while] pushing themselves to keep the show going. [They learned] to believe themselves in stepping outside of their comfort zone and to push for what they want,” Gossett said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/DSC_0036-900x600.jpg)
Turmoil to triumph: the Parkway West Dramatics Company puts on a fiery show in “no time at all”
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• March 9, 2023

Save the last dance
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• January 20, 2023
![“[The happiest moment of my life was when] when I did my first dance solo for the first time, it was contemporary and to the French song, "Je te laisserai des mots" [by Patrick Watson]. I performed it last season, so March through May, and got 11th overall in one competition for it. [I also] got platinum and high gold at other competitions. I've been competing for six years, but dancing for 13 years. Dance is like therapy to me, I get to express myself, especially with styles like contemporary and hip hop,” - Sam Johnson, 10](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/DSC_0001-1-900x600.jpg)
Sam Johnson
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• January 16, 2023

Problems, passion, perseverance
Nidhi Pejathaya, Staff Writer
• January 11, 2023
![Sophomore Lila Hartle and other Bollywood night participants mirror sophomore Triya Gudipati’s moves during the first dance class. Hartle liked seeing her friend teach a different dance style. “As someone learning [this style] for the first time, [Gudipati] made it easy and friendly to follow along,” Hartle said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/DSC_0410-900x600.jpg)
Bollywood boogie
Achyuta Ambal, Staff Writer
• November 16, 2022
![Dancing under the spotlight, sophomore Renata Olmos Walz (second from left) performs with American Dance Troupe for the first time on Jan. 22. She performed three shows in one day at the Chaminade Preparatory High School theater, spending 11 hours at the theater on show day. “[After a performance,] I felt tired, but I want to do it all over again because [I felt] so much adrenaline and [performing makes me] happy,” Olmos Walz said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/IMG-1695.jpg)
Forming family through dance
Emma Herrmann, Staff Writer
• March 17, 2022