Blending worlds together
Will Gonsior, Opinions/A&E Editor
• October 10, 2024
![Eyes tracing his book, freshman Auggie Prsha works to translate a passage in Latin teacher Tom Herpel's classroom. Prsha decided to take Latin after hearing about the fun classroom activities, but he quickly began to see the effects of learning a foreign language in the world around him too. “Sometimes in English class, I can [recognize] some Latin words, and I notice Latin in other places [as well]. I enjoy the people [and] learning from Herpel,” Prsha said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/prsha.jpg)
The melting pot: English dominance and its effects on society
Sage Kelly, Staff Writer
• September 27, 2024

FINAL six songs for your international playlist
Sravya Reddy Guda, Staff Writer
• May 16, 2024

Six MORE songs for your international playlist
Sravya Reddy Guda, Staff Writer
• January 29, 2024

Six songs for your international playlist
Sravya Reddy Guda, Staff Writer
• January 12, 2024
![“[High School] is definitely better than middle school. [I’ve been on] the step team [since middle school]. It’s been around for many years. What [we] do as a team is a form of cultural African American dance that originated in the 1800s to communicate without words. It has been used by sororities and fraternities for 50 plus years. In elementary, they came to perform at my school. So [then] I was interested in it and it made me want to join when I got to sixth grade. My mom has supported me every step of the way since I was in sixth grade. And she intends on doing it until I decide I don’t want to be on the team anymore. I look up to my mother because she has always put 10 toes down [ & devoted herself ] to me, and she just supports me in every way. She always has my back. [Step has] impacted my life, I've made new friends, of course. I've actually learned more by being on the step team. Education wise, it has [even] helped me get my grades up.” - Trent Young, 9](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/DSC_0390-1200x800.jpg)
Trent Young
Niharika Vaidya, Staff Writer
• November 8, 2023

What makes a name?
Addie Gleason and Elle Rotter
• March 14, 2023
![Cultural appropriation is being called out in mass media and online, but the line between appropriation and appreciation can often be hard to identify. Recently, Asianfishing and Westernization have become more acknowledged by the media, but it’s important to understand exactly why they are harmful. “Cultural appropriation can give [people] the wrong concept of [certain] cultures. They’re seeing what the American media perceives these [cultures] to be, and a lot of times that’s not [what] it [is],” sophomore Anu Pidikiti said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Screenshot-2022-12-01-10.02.27-AM.jpg)
The Fine Line
Nidhi Pejathaya, Staff Writer
• December 8, 2022