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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Flyers featuring Homer Simpson advertise the Trivia night for Jan. 21.

First annual trivia night scheduled for Jan. 21

Grant Aden, SPORTS EDITOR January 19, 2017

With a slue of long-standing traditions from the dodgeball tournament to the Senior vs. Faculty basketball game to the Mr. Longhorn competition, the class of 2020 is hoping to add another annual tradition...

STP: Religion in school

STP: Religion in school

Betsy Wait and Claire Smout February 1, 2016

Religion’s presence in public school cannot be denied, but its implications are vast and often overlooked. Is West still an environment where students are allowed to freely speak their minds, or does...

Sighing after Syberg's great food

Sighing after Syberg’s great food

Emma Ratliff January 19, 2016
Seniors Emma Ratliff and Kyla Hatton venture to Syberg's in the Chesterfield Valley for the next installment of Kyla's Kitchen and Emma's Eats.
History department competes for the winners circle

History department competes for the winners circle

Gwenn Pietrowski, Staff Writer December 23, 2015
For 10 years, the Social Studies Department has donated to COC, but Wayland and Chazen added a twist when they made the donations a competition four years ago.
Tutoring Ferguson students in math, Joan Tao volunteers twice a week. "I felt like I needed to help out in Ferguson after what happened, I also believe education is important," Tao said.

Ferguson Youth Tutoring develops in second year

Sarah Hima, Staff Writer October 29, 2015
Since starting last February the Ferguson Youth Tutors (FYT) has grown and undergone changes, and had gotten help from multiple schools.

Suicide Prevention: I Live For

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief September 3, 2015
In honor of Suicide Prevention Month, the Pathfinder interviews the Parkway West Community about what it is that they live for.

School in India seeks English volunteers

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief February 10, 2015
The Parkway West Community, through COW and Spark!, partner with a school in Kerala, India, to send volunteer teachers.
Bobby Connor delivers donations of Cheerios and canned chicken into a grade level office for the Help Heal Ferguson food drive.

‘Help Heal Ferguson’ collects donations for those in need

Mary Galkowski, Staff Writers August 26, 2014
Looking for information on LoCo's feed Ferguson drive? Look no further.