![Working on his novella before the approaching publishing date, senior Hayden Riehl hopes to grow both his understanding of the world around him and the world’s understanding of him. “I find writing for storytelling to be incredibly therapeutic, just from some of the stories that people have written in class that I've [seen],” Riehl said. “It was them literally working through a trauma that they've had in the past or something that they're trying to get their own heads wrapped around. Stories can do that. They can help you navigate a sea of your own thoughts.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Hayden-2-Judd-1-900x600.jpg)
From students to published authors: Creative Writing 2 will host E-book release launch party at the Wolf Cafe
Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• April 30, 2019
![Adding the final touches to their documentary, juniors Sabrina Bohn and Emma Caplinger discuss how their interviews turned out. The junior were given six weeks to complete the project. “I’m really glad we did this project because I’m really interested in documentaries and film in general so this was a really cool opportunity and it introduces you to something that you wouldn’t think to be introduced to in English class and I think that it gives you different skill set that you [aren’t normally] given in school so I think it’s pretty cool,” Bohn said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/DSC_0084-900x600.jpg)
AP Language and Composition students take a unique approach to prepare for the exam
Ridwan Oyebamiji, Features Section Editor
• April 5, 2019
![Writing Greek prose on the whiteboard, seniors Nell Jaskowiak and Deirdre Jost practice their letters and accents during their independent study. Taking Greek enables Jost to better prepare for a variety of possible futures, both through the content itself and the skills she retains. “Greek actually has a whole bunch of different accent marks which is not something you have in English,” Jost said. “I feel like I'd like to take [another] language, maybe Spanish or French, in the future and having learned the Greek language with different alphabets and different accent marks might make it easier to learn that language, whatever it may be.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/DSC_0002edited-1-900x600.jpg)
Growing through Greek: seniors Nell Jaskowiak and Deirdre Jost gain valuable life skills through independent study
Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• April 2, 2019
![Senior Matthew Boyd test other scholar members for practice. Scholar bowl members practice every Monday after school in sponsor Patrick Troy’s room. “I think it can be intimidating for [underclassmen] to come to practice and see that the juniors and seniors know a lot of information, but I think [they] should still be doing it because it’s fun and you get to learn a lot.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/9D2AD8E7-D0C0-43D7-A588-BA519A1A02F3-900x597.jpeg)
Scholar Bowl qualifies for nationals
Ridwan Oyebamiji, Features Section Editor
• December 4, 2018

Substitutes, not study halls
Pathfinder Staff
• November 30, 2018
![Junior Lauren Beard reads weather pattern graphs after attending an Earth Sciences camp this summer. At the camp, Beard explored her passion for meteorology with students from all over the United States. “[I] thought it was a great opportunity to see if this is something that I’m really interested in," Beard said. “I’ve just found myself drawn to that subject, I’ve always just found it really interesting."](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/DSC_0285-900x598.jpg)
Earth Sciences camp inspires junior Lauren Beard to pursue Meteorology
• September 5, 2018
Where the ACT takes West
• April 11, 2018

Pathfinder editorial board visits New York
Lydia Roseman, News and Sports Editor
• April 2, 2018

Students blend art and Latin
• February 6, 2018
#ASKPWESTTEACHERS – Back to School Edition
Kristin Priest, STAFF WRITER
• August 25, 2017