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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High



Kathryn Harter, Multimedia Editor August 19, 2015
Do you want to know what West students did this summer?
The entire team ends the show with a funny pose for the photographer. The team will have another show in May 8. "As with every show my goal is to entertain and impress the audience. But what I hope to accomplish specifically for this show is to end the year with a bang! We've had a super successful year and I'd say my personal goal is to end the year in a good way so that it reflects how well the whole show went. Also I'm pretty sure me and Kathryn are hosting the show so it's important we do a good job," junior Koel Branson said.

Jurassic-prov Improv Show

Kathryn Harter, Multimedia Editor May 4, 2015
After various rescheduling issues, the Improv Team preformed on April 10. The theme was Jurassic Park.
Seniors Macky Kavanaugh, Alex Galvin and Nick Jodlowski play 4-3-2-1 during the first show. Every member of the team played a velociraptor during the scene. "Playing a velociraptor was really weird but funny. It was hard to not break character. I mean I walk like that all the time so I was pretty comfortable with it," Kavanaugh said.

The Breakfast Club Improv Show

Kathryn Harter, Multimedia Editor December 9, 2014

Standing in front of the George Washington Palace, Publications Adviser Debra Klevens, sophomore Ritoma Ganguly, junior Sarah O'Beirne, junior Bailey Rathert, senior Kappy Pille, juniors Megan Barton and  Katie Hornsby and Photography teacher Katy Mangrich start off the city tour. “We ended up at Mount Vernon because our bus driver thought we were on a tour with another school but that was not the case,” Mangrich said. “It was fine that we ended up there. There are better places to visit in Washington, D.C.”

Publications program attends national high school journalism convention

Ritoma Ganguly, Staff Writer s November 16, 2014
The publications team tour the city of DC and attend the JEA conference.
Junior Lauren Schumacher, Prepa Tec student Jessica Vellejo, junior Ellie Nazzoli, Prepa Tec students Karen, Jessica, Alicia, and Gonzalo, senior Nathan Rands and Bayleigh Williams sit on a wall facing Monterrey's mountains. "We were waiting to go into the famous Caverns of Garcia. Even though it was too dark to go into the caverns, we still made the most of our trip there," Williams said.

Exchange trip to Monterrey, Mexico

Bayleigh Williams, Staff Writer September 23, 2014
Senior Bayleigh Williams, along with other Spanish students, traveled to Monterrey, Mexico, for an exchange program.
After a successful publications "marriage," junior newlyweds Katie Bowen and Maggie Walkoff smile in the art foyer. Walkoff's new beginning this year is taking over as the PAWESEHI Editor-in-Chief. "It's a lot of work and a ton of responsibility, but I've always been an organized person, and I learned a lot last year, so I'm sure it will be great," Walkoff said.

Publications Staff Wedding

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief August 12, 2014
On Aug 12, the entire publications staff, spread out amongst three classes, took part in a class wedding.


Alya Bajwa, Retired May 5, 2014

Senior trip to the Cardinals game

Senior trip to the Cardinals game

Jacob Cupps, Editor-in-Chief May 2, 2014