![Senior Thalea Afentoullis backs her car into the senior parking lot. Though Afentoullis has two years of driving experience under her belt, she often feels concerned about her safety in the school zone. “From my experience, whenever I try to get down to the pit, [the junior parking lot], after school, I have to be very conscious. [Students] whip [their cars] out of their spots. The school could do a much better job by separating the timings at which students can leave because most [car crashes] happen after school when everyone’s rushing to get out of the line,” Afentoullis said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/68467-e1712933168328-1200x789.jpg)
Driving towards safety
Ruthvi Tadakamalla, Sports/Newsletter Editor
• April 26, 2024
![The celebration of Women’s History Month, originating in 1987, marks an annual acknowledgement of women’s contributions to various fields of work. However, many female revolutionaries remain underrepresented in our history books, oftentimes overshadowed by male counterparts who could reach a greater audience because of their status. “Back then, women didn't have the voice that we do now, [but] their actions gave us the voice we have today to be able to speak up. Now, we share information to show how far we came from,” Black Student Union member and sophomore Jariyah McCalister said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/feature-photo-unsung-4.png)
Hidden figures of history: Stories of sensational women left behind in the shadows of time
Risa Cidoni, Editor-in-Chief
• March 31, 2024

Twenty-first century weapon: TikTok behind the screen
Will Gonsior, Opinions/A&E Editor
• February 8, 2024
![Celebrities are inescapable in our day-to-day lives, constantly reminding us of whatever is newest in their lives. And for us on the receiving end, we find ourselves devoting time and effort to vie for just the tiniest sliver of their attention. “[Taylor Swift] is my favorite celebrity, and to me she means someone who is kind, smart and caring,” junior Swati Kumar said. “I feel connected to her and her music; I listen to her everyday and I find [her] very relatable.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Parasocial-1.jpg)
A paradox of parasociality
Samir Shaik, Multimedia Editor-in-Chief
• January 26, 2024

Competitive math: Where the ‘M’ in STEM implies male
Audrey Ghosh, Opinions Editor
• January 23, 2024
![January 2024 marks over seven decades since the publishing of “The Bell Jar.” In those seven decades, the novel has opened the eyes of countless women to the unfair treatment they’ve faced, particularly being percieved as nothing more than mothers and the consequences that arise from that. “To my knowledge, [“The Bell Jar” was] one of the earliest novels that explores a woman's mental health and inner journey and allows her to go through struggles and make mistakes without vilifying [her]. She's ambitious yet flawed and unsure how to proceed, like [many] women at the beginning of the 1960s. My mom was born in 1950 and grew up hearing that if she wanted to work, she had three choices: nurse, secretary and teacher. It was a brave new world when she found out there were more options. But that also comes with fear and anxiety and the judgment of others. Sylvia represents that journey,” French teacher Blair Hopkins said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Mother-26.png)
Lifting the bell jar
Lauren Holcomb, Staff Writer
• January 15, 2024
![Marching in front of Forest Park Avenue, protesters gather in support of the pro-choice organization Planned Parenthood after the controversial overturning of the Supreme Court case Roe V. Wade. Parkway West alumna Luisa Larinizi, former co-president of the Feminist Club, attended the protest in 2022 to share her voice on the matter. “I went because it’s an issue I care about deeply and I felt this was a way I could help and actively be involved. It is very important to stand up for what we believe in, and peaceful protesting is always a great way to achieve that,” Lazarini said. “It was incredible to see how many people came. Many gave speeches on their personal experiences with reproductive rights, [giving] me new insight on how many people are actually affected by the issue.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Untitled-design-1.png)
The ‘active’ in activism
Risa Cidoni, Editor-in-Chief
• January 9, 2024
![The prospect of getting a job in high school might sound great on paper, but in reality, the process is much more nuanced and complicated than it seems on the surface. Employment is a decision that features many variables and is personalized to each individual that makes it, depending on their availability and schedule. “I rushed into [employment] working 30 hours a week and I was extremely exhausted after my shifts. But after some time, I found a good pace to work at,” junior Gabby Black said. “I recommend working hours that are suitable for you.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/books-and-bills-feature.jpeg)
Balancing books and bills
Samir Shaik, Multimedia Editor-in-Chief
• November 13, 2023
![Cultural and socioeconomic barriers prevent many Asian Americans from seeking help for mental health issues. Alumna and emeritus Mental Health Awareness Club President Rachel Bhagat, who has worked with many Asian immigrants and refugees, notices clear benefits of mental health care in daily life. “Seeking out mental health care is extremely important for everyone. Regularly seeing someone to talk to about your mental health helps prevent or makes it easier to navigate mentally stressful [or] harmful situations,” Bhagat said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/unnamed-24.png)
Silent pandemic
Serena Liu, Editor-in-Chief
• November 10, 2023

We can’t shake off climate change
Lauren Holcomb, Staff Writer
• November 2, 2023