![Freezing in their position, the Addams Family cast hits the “rigor mortis” pose after cast member and senior Jack Mullen, in character as Gomez Addams, calls out the stiff death move. For the past four months, the combined company of cast members, orchestra pit, crew and directors all worked to create the familial chemistry of the show. “I’m excited for [the audience] to see the numbers, the music, the scenes, but I also just love all the technical aspects of it. The whole spectacle, the costumes, makeup and the people that put in the work backstage in order to make the show successful on stage. I’m excited for people to see and appreciate that,” Mullen said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/DSC0116-1200x800.jpg)
Rigor mortis!
Esta Kamau, Features/Humans of West Editor
• March 7, 2025
![This is the first year that the Parkway West Science Olympiad team competed at regionals. Team member and junior Anish Jindal competed in several events including Chem Labs, Experimental Design and Geological Mapping, earning top five placements in several events. “Compared with some of the other academic competitions at West [that can be] difficult to figure out how to get better, [Science Olympiad] is a lot more inclusive, having a broad group of people with different specialties,” Jindal said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/DSC0391-1200x800.jpg)
The formula for victory
Yein Ahn, News Editor
• March 5, 2025
![Raising his arm for a high five, freshman Abram Brazier plays with Early Childhood Center students during his first visit of the semester. Brazier joined his assigned class during their designated outdoor time. “[Child Development] gives me experience with how to talk [to] kids. We read them a book so knowing how to talk to them [was helpful]. Most of the [preschoolers] just came right up to us [and] played around,” Brazier said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/gallery2-1200x800.jpg)
From one classroom to another: A look inside Child Development’s curriculum
Payton Dean, Staff Writer
• January 13, 2025
![Principal John McCabe announces that Jeffrey Chazen has won Teacher of the Year. Chazen was discussing freedom of speech with his AP Government class when the door opened and administrators rushed in. “[I was] extremely happy and humbled, but mostly shock[ed]. I've been here longer than any other teacher, so I know most of the people on the list of Teachers of the Year, and they are amazing teachers themselves,” Chazen said. “It's just nice to be on the list with them, including [social studies teacher Kristen] Collins, who is the only other social studies teacher who has won Teacher of the Year. It was nice to bring something back to the social studies department.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/DSC_0021-1-2-1200x801.jpg)
Social studies teacher Jeffrey Chazen wins 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year
Sage Kelly, Staff Writer
• December 13, 2024

Believing in Business: FBLA hosts Waterway fundraiser competition
Ruthvi Tadakamalla, Sports/Newsletter Editor
• December 2, 2024
![Kicking off dress rehearsal, Mr. Longhorn contestant and senior Carson Hughes goes over the group routine alongside other competitors. With just two days of practice, all participants learned the entirety of their introductory dance, chose an occupation to embody and crafted skits for the show. “The best part of this [whole thing] was learning the dance and just practicing with the guys. We [have to] try not to laugh the whole time, but we're having a lot of fun,” Hughes said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/IMG_5112-1-e1732164157549-1200x812.jpg)
A tradition almost lost
Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
• November 20, 2024
![Blending together a concoction for a science experiment, science teacher Joel Anderson scares his students by bringing excitement and thrill into his classroom for his annual Halloween show. It took about six weeks for Anderson to set up his classroom for the show. “It’s pure terror. I came up with this idea a couple decades ago to do something fun for Halloween. So I pretend to be this mad scientist [that creates] a Frankenstein-like creature [with the class], learning a little bit of science along the way and [then ending] with a laser show. It’s just for fun; entertainment value,” Anderson said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/DSC_0021.JPG_-1200x800.jpg)
Haunting highlights
Yein Ahn and Esta Kamau
• November 1, 2024
![Voter registration is open for November’s presidential election through Oct. 9. On Oct. 2, students at West High were able to receive assistance with online registration in the library. “When I went into the library to [register to] vote, [librarian] Lauren Reusch made completing my registration very easy and clear. It’s important to learn about voting and it’s important that schools help with voter registration, because it can be confusing for first-time voters,” senior Gianna Lionelli said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Screenshot-2024-10-03-at-1.53.06 PM-1200x795.png)
Countdown to Election Day
Risa Cidoni, Editor-in-Chief
• October 3, 2024

Pulsera power: Spanish Club’s mission to make a difference
Keira Lang and Zoya Hasan
• May 13, 2024

Spreading sunshine
Ruthvi Tadakamalla, Sports/Newsletter Editor
• April 29, 2024