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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Students exchange money in the hallway.

Drug problems need to be addressed

Katie Spillman, PHOTO EDITOR May 5, 2017
The smell of marijuana permeates the hall, it is never spoken about. Why?
Students discuss social issues such as racism, sexism and discrimination in Common Ground small group discussions.

Common Ground moving forward

Bennett Davis, STAFF WRITER April 18, 2017

Students sitting around, sharing their feelings once a month, with students they barely know and teachers they barely see... wonderful. Emphasizing building character in the community, Common Ground...

My wisdom teeth made me chronically ill?

My wisdom teeth made me chronically ill?

Kristin Priest, STAFF WRITER March 15, 2017

It felt like we were back to square one, and my mom spent hours researching, and talking to family members and friends. We had a friend that went through a similar situation with their daughter. She went...

Bags of trash pile up as the road connecting the middle and high school is cleared of litter.

Why students need to go green and respect the community

Carly Anderson, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief March 13, 2017

Over the past five years, through both my sister and I’s involvement at West, it’s been fairly obvious to me that our school cares a lot about its community. Whether sports teams are honoring those...

Teacher Tim Corteville instructs his primarily freshman P.E. class from the side of the pool as a part of the swim unit.

Physical education classes run athletes into the dust

Emily Dickson and Grant Aden, Conceptual Editor in Chief and Sports Editor March 9, 2017

Six miles, strength training, 700 calories burned—all in a day's work for student athletes at West and it’s not from a physical education class. It’s from running cross country. Even after hours...

It only takes one to topple history


Foolish violence, prejudice and fear mongering has brought St. Louis to national news infamy once again. Unknown suspects desecrated the historic Jewish Chesed Shel Emeth cemetery sometime between Feb....

A hard pill to swallow

February 28, 2017

This is where my questions were answered. It seemed like the tides parted and all the confusing "what ifs?" of the past few months fluttered away. I had an answer as to what was wrong with me, and my rheumatologist...

Sophomore Kristin Priest went through chemotherapy treatment after being diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, only to find that the real problem was somewhere else in her body.

I Took Chemo for Nothing

February 22, 2017

After hearing I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, my doctor told me something that would continue to haunt my waking thoughts for months. They said I needed to “adjust to the new normal,”...

Pooh Bear: the cure to cancer

Sydney Kinzy, PHOTO EDITOR February 21, 2017
Oh, Instagram challenges str just another hat we put on to make ourselves look benevolent on the Internet.
Parkway students use Twitter as a vehicle of district harassment: Storify

Parkway students use Twitter as a vehicle of district harassment: Storify

Pathfinder Editorial Board February 11, 2016

[View the story "Parkway students use Twitter as a vehicle of district harassment " on Storify]