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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


America Behind Bars

Austin Oakes, Opinions Writer November 14, 2012

Day in and day out, I hear all about how we need to get jobs back on U.S. soil, and stop outsourcing jobs to foreign countries, but how about the jobs we outsource to prisoners?  Currently, 21% of office...

Regarding the Iranian-Israeli issue

Austin Oakes, Opinions Writer October 28, 2012

Many pro-Israel lobbyists seem to be pushing for the use of Military aggression on Iran, who has been said to be close to nuclear capabilities. While military options are not necessarily synonymous...

No Apology: The Case for Mitt Romney

Debra Klevens, Opinion Guest Writer October 9, 2012

If you have five minutes to spend with me on any given day, you will know I have a strong opinion about the upcoming presidential election and the direction I want this country to move. I refuse to be...

A Photo Finish: A Final Push for Barack Obama

Austin Oakes, Opinions Writer October 8, 2012

President Obama currently leads in the 2012 election polls, beating out Republican nominee Mitt Romney by a narrow, yet somewhat significant margin.  In this presidential election, every point counts,...

Late Arrivals

Austin Oakes, Opinions Writer September 24, 2012

Parkway School District experimented with its first Late Arrival day on Wednesday, Sep 5. With Late Arrivals, school begins at 9:35 a.m, and ends at 2:30 p.m.  The main reason this new format was implemented...