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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High



Annie Spewak, Editor in Chief January 22, 2013

Drum roll, please! Wait, stop. Suspense for the iPhone software update, the iOS6, led all the way up to its release date. Apple's new software, iOS6, was a huge disappointment. On Jan. 1, iOS6 users...


Shane Frazier, Opinion’s Writer January 22, 2013

The relationship between the United States and Russia has always been—well—cold. For over fifty years, the United States and Russia (the Soviet Union) played a perpetual game of “my army is bigger...

2012: A year in review

Austin Oakes, Opinions Editor January 18, 2013

As we start the New Year, it is important that we look back on the year of 2012 and examine the mistakes and the achievements made.  Whether the year was good or bad, it is irrational to say that 2012...

Bearing arms

John Watson January 15, 2013

Over the past year, we have seen a sickening number of mass shootings that have resulted in the countless deaths of innocent people, totaling 16 lethal mass shootings and 88 deaths. The amount of attention...

The fiscal cliff: crisis not averted

Shane Frazier, Opinion’s Writer January 14, 2013

In the past few weeks, the news has constantly consoled the American public that Congress saved us from the fiscal cliff after their vote just before the start of the New Year. The fiscal cliff, a term...

Inhumane Interrogation

Austin Oakes, Opinions Editor January 11, 2013

The planning, authorization, or carrying out of torture is, by law, a war crime.  Interrogation techniques such as waterboarding, hypothermia and sleep-deprivation are illegal, internationally and domestically. ...

Unholy Matrimony

Austin Oakes, Opinions Writer December 19, 2012

The Supreme Court announced  on Friday that it will take up California’s Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot measure that amends the state’s Constitution to ban same sex marriage.  By examining this case,...

Big Brother is Watching

Austin Oakes, Opinions Writer December 10, 2012

You, the average Pathfinder reader, most plausibly have a regular and consistent access to the Internet.  It is very likely that when you get back home, you open Facebook.  When you need to research...

The truth about pit bulls

Susie Watson, News Editor December 5, 2012

The American Pit Bull Terrier, or commonly known as the pit bull, receives such a bad rep.  I don't think anyone's safety is jeopardized when they are around a pit bull.  My family and I were given a...

The Fictitious Fiscal Cliff

Austin Oakes, Opinions Writer November 19, 2012

The fiscal cliff is a wonder indeed.  It is the period of time where representatives of the country and the media alike will all gather together to cry and shriek about the doom that is certain to befall...