Behind Ms. Understood
Claire Creely, Staff Writer
• January 23, 2023

Problems, passion, perseverance
Nidhi Pejathaya, Staff Writer
• January 11, 2023
![Senior Grant Meert prepares to throw a white pine Christmas tree through a netting machine. Of the many species of trees, Meert Tree Farm grows — including Scotch pine, Norway spruce, Virginia pine, Fraser fir and Michigan Scotch pine — Meert’s favorite is white pine. “Picking your tree gives people a good experience. It’s something that everyone needs to do at least once,” Meert said. “It gives customers a family memory and bonding time. I like having that time [with my family], and [we] make it a whole day.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/IMG-6534.jpg)
‘Tis the season
Madi Michajliczenko, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• December 14, 2022
![Playing an acoustic guitar, freshman Noelle McSpadden sits just outside of her music classroom. McSpadden was inspired to play guitar to add to her songwriting. “[Guitar class] makes songwriting much easier for me. I feel good about my music because I can actually play with a guitar [to back it up],” McSpadden said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/noellemcspadden-900x600.jpg)
Freshman Noelle McSpadden finds herself through her lyrics
Emily Early, Editor-in-Chief
• December 13, 2022

Coaching canines: Junior Leah Leifer trains service dogs
Anna Claywell, Staff Writer
• December 12, 2022
![Former junior Cory Driver decided to drop out this summer, feeling disheartened with the school system. He now has more time to pursue other interests, such as going to trade school, building his “yaasified crust punk” band and working more hours at Qdoba. “I'd been talking to my principal and my counselor since the middle of summer. I'd keep trying to have conversations saying, ‘Hey, I want to drop out and get my GED.’ Every single time I'd try to have [that] conversation, they did whatever they could to make sure that I didn't drop out [because] if I drop out, it makes the school look bad,” Driver said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Cory-Driver-1.png)
Dropping out
Serena Liu, Editor-in-Chief
• December 6, 2022

You ain’t seen stuffing yet
Serena Liu, Editor-in-Chief
• November 28, 2022
![Moving and grooving, senior Jack Goedde dances with the other Mr. Longhorn contestants in their opening act. Seniors and Poms captains Kelsea Wilson and Cameron Chandler choreographed the dances performed throughout the night. “Being able to have a special event for all of the senior guys makes it more fun. All the guys were bad at dancing, including myself, which made us laugh. [Mr. Longhorn] gives us a memory for the rest of our lives.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Jack-G.jpeg)
Longhorn seniors, let’s act!
Addie Gleason and Elle Rotter
• November 19, 2022

Meet our foreign exchange students
Katie Wallace and Cindy Phung
• November 17, 2022
![Roaming around crowds of visitors, junior Kyle Parini gives looks of horror to children. Parini was assigned to the cannibal section of this year's Fright Fest experience. “[The highlight of this season] didn’t happen until my last shift, when my monster maker gave me a staff, so I chased someone with it, then two girls fell on top of each other, and I griddied over them, it was the best thing ever.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/unnamed-51.jpg)
Creepin’ it real
Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer
• November 17, 2022