Who is Principal John McCabe?
Serena Liu, Editor-in-Chief
• September 13, 2022

Four down, three to go
Sabrina Urdaneta, Staff Writer
• June 1, 2022
![Wearing a bright smile, custodian Sean Smith sits on a bench greeting students in the morning. Smith believed that if the first thing students see when they enter the school is someone saying good morning, it will make their day that much better. “Now, if you're walking up that walkway with an attitude, I want [you] to see a cheery face that says ‘hey, I'm glad to see you,’” Smith said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/IMG_1186-900x675.jpg)
More than a custodian
Ashlyn Gillespie, Deputy Managing Editor-in-Chief
• May 20, 2022

English teacher Angela Frye receives a letter worth 70K
Sapir Zachary, CJ1 Writer
• May 17, 2022
![Math teacher Michelle Meers teaches her class about a superstition in her 7th period class. Meers reminds her class of the monthly luck booster a day before the new month. “It just helps them remember what day it is and that a new month is coming up. [It also] perks them up and helps them listen,” Meers said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/image1-3-900x600.jpg)
Rabbit rabbit
Evan Vaisvil, Staff Writer
• April 20, 2022

ASC teacher Kristen Witt trusted her gut, no bandage necessary
Sapir Zachary, CJ1 Writer
• March 4, 2022

Art teacher Ashley Drissell finds herself through Latin dance
Tiffany Ung, Staff Writer
• March 2, 2022
![Librarian Brian Welch stands with a library cart, preparing to shelve books. He feels that there is a lot that goes into keeping the library organized. “You always try to make yourself busy, because there's a lot to do,” Welch said. “There are things that always can be done. If you look around, you can see that there's stuff going on in this library. It's a working library, and it sometimes looks chaotic [with] stuff everywhere. But that just means we're doing our job and the people are utilizing the space."](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/DSC_0012-900x600.jpg)
Meet the man behind the reading reservoir
Christopher Reed, Staff Writer
• February 4, 2022

Traveling out of his comfort zone
Hayley Hubert, CJ1 Writer
• February 1, 2022

Special Education staffer Jeff Taylor’s out-of-this-world outlet
Tiffany Ung, Staff Writer
• January 27, 2022