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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Principal John McCabe works at his desk after the Aug. 24 pep rally during Ac Lab. McCabe did his first substituting job as a sophomore in high school and has been an educator ever since. “I strongly believe in public education because it's a calling to serve others. That quality of serving and supporting other people is one of the things that I love the most about working in schools,” McCabe said.

Who is Principal John McCabe?

Serena Liu, Editor-in-Chief September 13, 2022

Always looking for a new adventure, Chemistry and 
Physics teacher Allison Privitt goes canyoning for the  first time. Canyoning involves navigating a 
mountain stream using a variety of techniques. “That’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done, it’s  the craziest thing I’ve ever done, and I’m doing it again 
this summer,” Privitt said.

Four down, three to go

Sabrina Urdaneta, Staff Writer June 1, 2022

Whether jumping off a plane, swimming with sharks or traveling around the world, Chemistry and Physics teacher Allison Privitt is always on a new adventure. Privitt believes teaching has become a chapter...

Wearing a bright smile, custodian Sean Smith sits on a bench greeting students in the morning. Smith believed that if the first thing students see when they enter the school is someone saying good morning, it will make their day that much better. “Now, if you're walking up that walkway with an attitude, I want [you] to see a cheery face that says ‘hey, I'm glad to see you,’” Smith said.

More than a custodian

Ashlyn Gillespie, Deputy Managing Editor-in-Chief May 20, 2022

A loving husband. An affectionate grandpa. An attentive dad. A devout Christian. A friend to all staff and students. Like all the behind-the-scenes staff, Sean Smith is more than just a custodian. Smith...

English teacher Angela Frye interacts with students. Frye discussed how movies could inspire students' stories and related it to their current assignment in English 3 about categorizing types of people. “I always try to find ways to make school fun, and I want kids to enjoy my class,” Frye said.

English teacher Angela Frye receives a letter worth 70K

Sapir Zachary, CJ1 Writer May 17, 2022

English teacher Angela Frye expected to pay over 70K in student loan debt to the federal government. Since Feb. 15, Frye has been forgiven of her debt by the U.S. Department of Education and the federal...

Math teacher Michelle Meers teaches her class about a superstition in her 7th period class. Meers reminds her class of the monthly luck booster a day before the new month. “It just helps them remember what day it is and that a new month is coming up. [It also] perks them up and helps them listen,” Meers said.

Rabbit rabbit

Evan Vaisvil, Staff Writer April 20, 2022

On the first day of every month, students in math teacher Michelle Meers’s class find themselves a part of a unique tradition. Since the 1900s, the Rabbit Rabbit superstition is said to have brought...

ASC teacher Kristen Witt returned to school after a second week away at Cognitive FX concussion rehabilitation center in Utah. Witt graduated from in-person rehab and is back to work.

ASC teacher Kristen Witt trusted her gut, no bandage necessary

Sapir Zachary, CJ1 Writer March 4, 2022

On her daily trip home during lunch to consult with construction workers in 2010, ASC teacher Kristen Witt was T-boned by a vehicle going around a trash truck. Witt had been hit twice while turning onto...

Art teacher Ashley Drissell dances in the living room of her father’s house. Due to her parent’s interest in Latin culture, Drissell grew up with Latin dance and music. “Dance is a part of my DNA at this point. It’s just something I enjoy doing,” Drissell said.

Art teacher Ashley Drissell finds herself through Latin dance

Tiffany Ung, Staff Writer March 2, 2022

Eyes closed, art teacher Ashley Drissell sways to get a feel for the beat of the music. The crisp percussion conjures memories of her childhood, constantly being surrounded by music and dance. This exposure...

Librarian Brian Welch stands with a library cart, preparing to shelve books. He feels that there is a lot that goes into keeping the library organized. “You always try to make yourself busy, because there's a lot to do,” Welch said. “There are things that always can be done. If you look around, you can see that there's stuff going on in this library. It's a working library, and it sometimes looks chaotic [with] stuff everywhere. But that just means we're doing our job and the people are utilizing the space."

Meet the man behind the reading reservoir

Christopher Reed, Staff Writer February 4, 2022

Librarian Brian Welch has always loved books. As a kid, he would check out his books to his friends. He helped open a bookstore from scratch. Now, he has accomplished his dream of working in a library. Welch...

Mathematics teacher  Jason Townsend travels with 34 students to experience life outside of America.. “You kind of get really addicted to wanting to travel around to see it all. And I've probably been to 40 of the 50 states and about 20 different countries, but I would love to just keep piling on to that. It's been a lot of fun and you'll learn so much just about different people, different cultures, different, you know, social things, different geographic things,” Townsend said.

Traveling out of his comfort zone

Hayley Hubert, CJ1 Writer February 1, 2022

Outside of school, math teacher Jason Townsend can be found at the podium guiding college students at Maryville University through website and app development. Townsend has over 22 years of high school...

Special Education assistant Jeff Taylor shows off his first-place trophy from the 2016 Pyromania fireworks competition. In this nationwide contest known as SkyWars, Taylor arranged fireworks from a provided selection and designed a visual display in four hours. “There was a lot going on. I wasn’t crazy about it during the moment, but the more I did it, the more interested I got in fireworks,” Taylor said.

Special Education staffer Jeff Taylor’s out-of-this-world outlet

Tiffany Ung, Staff Writer January 27, 2022

In October 2020, thousands of people gathered on a hill in Moscow Mills, Mo. buzzing with anticipation. With the first fizz and crackle, everyone held their breath and looked up as the show began. This...