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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Can you Dig it?

Can you Dig it?

Annie Spewak, Features Editor October 3, 2012

While the Eagle Scout is the highest honor a Boy Scout can achieve, the Silver Award is one of the highest honors for a Girl Scout. Parkway West freshmen, Sarah Booth, Allison Wills, Lauren Schumacher,...

The blind spot

Annie Spewak, Editor in Chief September 24, 2012

Many high schools students are being belabored by the "driving talks" given to them daily when they merely think about leaving their house. The constant, caustic reminders are often heard, but are they...

ReplayIt gives students, staff and family members the ability to upload, view, and share images throughout the year with your school. See the year as it happens!

School-wide “Instagram”

Debra Klevens, Feature Writer September 24, 2012

On August 7, when the PAWESEHI Yearbook arrived, students search the index to see how many pages they were featured on, while lining the sophomore hallway.  With 66 publications students covering 1237...