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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Video: Students react to the 2017 Solar Eclipse

Video: Students react to the 2017 Solar Eclipse

Hannah Hoffmann, TECHNICAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF August 21, 2017

Video: An Animated Life

Samantha Gaddis, COPY EDITOR May 25, 2017

After Laughter Album Review

Katie Spillman, PHOTO EDITOR May 22, 2017

As a long term lover of Paramore, I was beyond excited to hear about the release of their new album “After Laughter,” even though it came after a four year hiatus. Paramore is an alternative pop-rock...

An iPhone home screen shows apps handy during finals.

Eight apps save students’ grades

Gabby Leon, STAFF WRITER May 18, 2017

With finals week approaching, students begin the search for the most efficient ways of studying. Listed below are eight apps that can help you based on your preference of studying.   Quizlet Based...

Quiz: what type of cracker are you?

Quiz: what type of cracker are you?


Spring into new music

Spring into new music

Dani Fischer, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF May 3, 2017
Spring brings all kinds of changes, from new flowers to amazing new songs from fresh artists. Listen to my favorite tracks here.

“Forza Motorsports 3” game review

Alex Rossi, STAFF WRITER May 2, 2017

Exclusively for the Xbox 360, “Forza Motorsports 3” is a true successor for the series as it includes 400 different modeled cars that the player can choose from. No matter what difficulty level or...

Students are challenged with spontaneous Dance Dance Revolution

Students are challenged with spontaneous Dance Dance Revolution

Madison Hoffmann, Staff Writer April 25, 2017
We surprised students in the halls with a DDR mat and captured their responses.

Video: Dichromats in the classroom

Hannah Hoffmann, TECHNICAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF April 24, 2017

Power Rangers movie review

Alex Rossi, STAFF WRITER April 17, 2017

As one of the most nostalgic TV and movie franchises of all time, a Power Rangers movie has not been released since 1997 at the hype of the “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.” Shift into turbo to March...