“I’ve always been into [doodling] with pencils and ink. I used to watch YouTube drawing tutorials and [tried] to copy them. I had so much fun with that, but I felt like I was never [that] good [at art]; it made me lose motivation to draw. If I don’t feel motivated to draw, I don’t force myself to. I want drawing to be fun for me. I feel like every time I start again I’m better than when I left. People can [create] art really fast but I’ll sit there for hours and not be [finished] with the smallest [detail.] I learned to have patience [and] take my time. I used to try to get [fancy] materials. I was so stuck in the mindset that I needed [more supplies] to get better. I would get it and then feel discouraged because [my art quality] would be the same. Be patient with yourself. You don’t need fancy materials to [make astounding] art. You can just use a wooden pencil and draw an amazing piece. I enjoy making beautiful [pieces] that have a message [behind it.] It’s rewarding to see hours of work pay off as the final piece comes together.” – Morgan Summa, 10
Morgan Summa
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About the Contributor

Yusra Khan, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 10
Years on staff: 2
Who is your favorite musician? Saint Levant.
What gets you up in the morning?First of all, God and my religion is what gets me up in the morning. Second, I get up because my parents put so much effort into building a good life for me and I want to give back to them.
What’s an unpopular opinion that you have? Froyo is better than ice cream.