“I have been playing football for a long time and have enjoyed it. This year especially, I had so much fun. I was very happy when I made varsity because freshmen don’t usually make the team [their first year of high school.] I love being around the guys [on the team] and I am going to miss the senior [mentors] next year. I will never forget the impact the seniors and Coach Duncan had on me. It was not only a team, it was a family. I felt like I belonged.” – Ethan Bain, 9
Ethan Baine
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About the Contributor

Noor Hacking, Staff Writer
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 10
Years on staff: 2
Who is your favorite musician? Elton John.
What gets you up in the morning? Food.
What’s an unpopular opinion that you have? Socks and Birkenstocks go together.