“Currently, college has been stressful for me, especially because I’m trying to get recruited for field hockey, and a lot goes into that process. It’s overwhelming since I feel a lot of pressure to not only go to a good college but one that also has a competitive field hockey team. So far, I have attended college recruitment tournaments, and I have emailed several colleges. Still, I haven’t completed my field hockey profile, which is where recruiters can see and learn more about me. I want to play field hockey in the future since I’ve been playing my whole life, and I love playing sports in general. Field hockey is my favorite hobby by far, and it’s something that makes me happy and always brings up my mentality. I spend all my time playing after school, and it’s my dream to continue playing in the future. I’m okay if I don’t end up playing for a division, I just want to keep doing what makes me happy.” – Ava Reuther, 11