“[The best thing to happen to me this year] was meeting my cool friends. I’ve met them at the cafeteria, Keys and theater. [I’ve been] able to hang out with them a couple of times outside of school, and it was chill. They make me feel good about myself, and they got me into “Dungeons & Dragons.” I’m closer with them [rather than] the people I was friends with last year. They’ve made my classes so much better, and it’s therapeutic having them there.” – Lu Schuetz, 10
Lu Schuetz
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About the Contributor

Triya Gudipati, Editor-in-Chief
Pronouns: she/her
Grade: 12
Years on staff: 4
Who is your favorite musician? Taylor Swift.
What gets you up in the morning? Knowing that something I do today has the potential to not only shape my future, but also make an impact on the world around us.
What’s an unpopular opinion that you have? Stanleys aren’t all that.
JoJo Schuetz • Feb 7, 2023 at 12:12 pm
it’s great to see my brother making friends and talking about how much they have helped him