(Illustration by Sadie Burgess)
Longhorn Student Council (LOCO) is holding a Trunk or Treat event Oct. 27 from 5-7 p.m. LOCO Secretary and sophomore Sadie Burgess and Creative Coordinator and sophomore Sienna Lorenz planned the event to be geared towards the elementary schools, although high school students are also strongly encouraged to come.
“We want to get the elementary school kids to come to West more so they can get excited about West,” Burgess said. “Claymont, Pierremont, Mason Ridge, Highcroft and Henry Elementary feed into West High, so those kids are invited to the event. We want to get them more involved in the West community.”
Before the event begins, sports teams and clubs have from 3-5 p.m. to set up their trunk in the engineering lot below the peace garden. From there, they will drive up to the north gym parking lot and park in their area designated by chalk. Trunks will need to bring their supplies and decorations.
“We would like all trunks to bring candy and pass out any flyers or items that project their program, and anyone is welcome to wear costumes as well,” Lorenz said. “I hope this tradition will carry on in the future. Hopefully, after this year, we will be able to perfect any obstacles we faced and [make sure] the event is known throughout the West High community.”
Trunk sign-up closes Monday, Oct. 24, and LOCO needs more trunks. Any sport, club or activity can sign up to have a trunk using this google form.
“I am excited about the event. It [will be] a great way for elementary kids to see what kind of clubs, sports and activities West has, and if a program is looking for more involvement they could find it by showing the kids what their program has to offer,” Lorenz said. “It will be exciting to get the elementary schools involved and to see all of the kids participating and for our school community to come together and boost the school spirit.”