Before the pep assembly, seniors Matt Loaney and Tywan Simms do a shoulder bump to hype each other up for the senior boys dance. Loaney was nervous while waiting to perform in front of the school, but he was glad he decided to do the dance. “I have been looking forward to performing this dance ever since I saw my older brother have so much fun with it,” Loaney said.
Pulling out all the stops for the fall Pep Rally
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About the Contributors

Lydia Roseman, News and Sports Editor
Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 3
What’s your coffee order? Grande iced caramel latte with almond milk.
What song describes you best? Straightjacket by Quinn XCII (psycho from a Midwest suburb).
What is the one thing you cannot live without? Hummus.

Fatema Rehmani, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
Grade: 12
Years on Staff: 3
What has been your favorite quarantine hobby? Baking!! And watching baking shows
Is a hot dog a sandwich? A breaded taco at best.
Who is someone that inspires you? My mom <3

Grade: 11
Years on Staff: 2
If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Phoebe Buffay from Friends
Does the toilet paper go over or under on the roll? Whichever way it goes is fine by me, I normally just roll with it.
How many alarms do you set in the morning to get up on time? One.
Favorite Quote: “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne Gretzky” -Michael Scott