“Deadpool” is the eighth installment of the X-Men film franchise started back in 2000 by FOX studios. It is based off the Marvel comics by the same name, beloved by fans, as Deadpool, in the comics, constantly delivers fourth-wall breaking adult humor. One of those fans is Ryan Reynolds, who pushed FOX studios to make a Deadpool movie for nearly 10 years. However, FOX was apprehensive about creating the movie because Reynolds wanted a R-rated movie in order to maintain the character’s mature humor from the comics. FOX feared making it rated R would eliminate the majority of superhero movie audience: young children. In the end, Reynolds got his R-rated Deadpool movie, and he delivered on his promise, starring as the “merc with mouth” and delivering a hilarious film.

In “Deadpool,” Wade Wilson, played by Reynolds, becomes diagnosed with cancer and seeks a cure. However, when he encounters Ajax, played by Ed Skrein, Wilson becomes the test subject to horrible experiments causing him to obtain new physical abilities, but leaving him with a scarred physical appearance. The physical damage causes him to become Deadpool and a “not so super” superhero, in his hunt to punish the man who caused him to become so physically scared.
The film honors the comic book very closely as it breaks the fourth wall throughout its entirety, which means Wilson will turn to look directly into the camera and addresses the audience. The Deadpool character in the comic book is beloved by fans because he is the only comic book character who realizes he is in a comic book, which leads to extremely funny jokes. This was perfectly translated to the film, as Deadpool constantly makes references to other X-Men films, Reynold’s past movies, and other real-world content. As well, just like in the comic books, Deadpool talks directly to the audience, which is rarely done in film. The humor in “Deadpool” is clever, well-placed and well-executed, but more for adults and teenagers than it is for younger children.
Overall, “Deadpool” is an extremely good comic book film and comedy. If you are a fan of other comic book movies and are knowledgeable in comic book lore and legend, then you will have a blast watching “Deadpool.” However, it must be stressed, this is an R rated movie which contains a large amount of mature content. Reynolds portrays Deadpool perfectly, with an amazing performance which really brings the character straight from the comic books. So basically, it is a good film, just do not watch it with your mother.
The Parkway West Pathfinder gives “Deadpool” a 8.5/10 (if you like immature humor).
The Parkway West Pathfinder gives “Deadpool” a 1.5/10 (if you don’t like immature humor).