About two months ago, senior Josh Davis came to Activities Director Brian Kessler with a request for his Eagle Scout badge. After brainstorming different ideas for Davis, Kessler decided that something between both bathrooms in the stadium would look good.
“I actually still have to go through some paperwork to become an Eagle Scout, but I am really excited. The project that I was given was to construct a rose trellis for the school to frame the artwork done by Sierra Garner,” Davis said.
The building was only 12 inches down and extended 12 inches from the wall. Because of this, different problems occurred when building the trellis.
“The hardest part was finding a way to anchor the project. My first idea was to have it hanging on the wall, but [Building Manager Scott Bollmann] said no, so I came up with the idea of having angled supports that extended past the foot of the building,” Davis said.
The artwork featured in the center of the trellis was created by sophomore Sierra Garner. It is a painting of a Longhorn with the words “Parkway West Longhorns” surrounding it.
“We put the artwork in the middle of the trellis because it added a nice statement and the whole project really builds off the roses that were planted there last fall,” Athletic Director Secretary Joyce Debenport said. “We chose Sierra’s artwork because last year we saw some of her artwork and we were just really impressed.”
Sierra created a design and painted it onto a piece of plywood that Debenport gave her.
“The whole project was really fun to work on. I always like putting my art up for other people, and designing it was probably my favorite part of the whole project. It did take a lot of time and a lot of layers of paint, but overall I really enjoyed making it,” Garner said.
The project is displayed in between the bathrooms of the stadium.