![Before beginning their college football journey, alumni Ja’Marion Wayne and Tre Bell smile after one of their final rides together. The athletes kept in contact and encouraged and inspired each other along their new paths. “I miss everything about high school football. I wish I had another year to play with [alumni] Ja’marion Wayne, Seth Young, Tyree Simms and [senior] Phillip Jordan and [junior] Trent Livingston. I miss all of my guys and playing in front of a student section where you know every kid. It isn’t something you get in college,” Bell said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/uno-e1668799318454.jpeg)
We know you miss them!
Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer
• November 22, 2022

Who was your first high school crush?
Talie Seers, CJ1 Writer
• June 2, 2022
According to students: Teacher appreciation week
Elle Rotter, Deputy Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• May 6, 2022
The Method Behind the Madness
Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer
• November 20, 2021
![Seniors Alex Spangler, Joseph Grove and Tre Bell practice their choreography for Mr. Longhorn Friday, Nov. 19. Senior boys competed for the title of Mr. Longhorn in a beauty-pageant style competition which included learning choreography for dance numbers. “Being a part of Mr. Longhorn was a fun experience. [I] was able to hang out with all the guys and learn the dance, which was fun. At first, we sucked at the dance, we were terrible, but by the end we finally got it,” Grove said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/DSC_8503-900x600.jpg)
Photo of the Week – Nov. 19
Madi Michajiliczenko, Staff Writer
• November 19, 2021

Life of a longhorn
Achyuta Ambal, Staff Writer
• September 27, 2021
![In a game against Eureka Jan. 5, junior Tre Bell pushes the ball up the court to start a fast break while the defense is caught off guard. Bell has been playing basketball for the past 12 years. “To be honest I don’t usually think during games. I let my instincts [take] control because I trust my abilities and i’ve been playing for so long,” Bell said. “Before the game we were very eager to win because last year they [Eureka] beat us in the district semifinals so we owed them payback for that.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/P1140059-900x676.jpg)
Photo of the Week- Jan. 4
Fatema Rehmani, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• January 8, 2021

Elle Rotter and Emily Early
• January 8, 2021

Black Lives Matter and how we can create change
Lilly Francis, Staff Writer
• August 17, 2020