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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“Hitting that ball hard is just pure satisfaction. I’m on the varsity tennis team, and it’s funny because I actually got pressured into joining, but we actually [had] a really good season. I’ve been playing for three years now. My favorite part is definitely going to other schools and meeting other girls. Tennis is really fun and it's a good stress reliever, but something that [stresses me out] is definitely tests [at school]. When things [start to] stress me out, I just tell myself that [I] can get there because everyone will move on and [will] get there [too].” Alisha Yin, 10

Alisha Yin

Raaga Golla, Staff Writer November 15, 2024

“Sports [can] teach you a lot of things, and playing on the team can teach you leadership. When you're working with a bunch of guys, you’ve got to know what's best for the team, and you've got to do whatever is best for the team. Commitment is a big part of sports. Some days, you don't want to show up to practice, [but] you have to do it because it's what's best for the team. You just [have] to be committed. You [gain] better relationships and you make a lot of friends when you play sports. You're spending at least two hours a day with those people, so you build really strong relationships with your teammates. If you put in the work, you're bound to get better.” - Henry Wild, 12

Henry Wild

Max Chung, CJ1 Writer October 17, 2024

“[My favorite thing about freshman year has been] making friends with the seniors on the swim team. Being around my teammates has made me really excited [about future years on] the team. [One] challenge so far has been the meets because of how fast the competition is compared to club. My friends and teammates help me the most. They pushed me in practice to help me [improve]. [My teammates] like to chant my name or say, ‘This is where your hard pays off, dont let it be for nothing,’ or ‘Don't chase them, let them chase you,’ which helps me. Swimming has shaped me to be [who] I am today, and [pushed me to] work hard and develop my mind. The best part of swimming is [seeing my] improvement and knowing I will get better through my hard work.” - Mason Moellering, 9

Mason Moellering

Ava Kerber, CJ1 Writer October 9, 2024

“The first memory that comes to my head is when everyone starts doing the longhorn rumble when we call [out to the audience], they stomp and clap with us along to the beat of the cheer. I [started to appreciate cheer] when I got to high school. [At first], I did it for fun in middle school just to say that I [had a hobby]. When [I got to] high school my coach appreciated me and [listened to] my opinions. It really made me fall in love with the sport again. My favorite thing about cheer is the friendships that I get from it. [I] get to see the people I’m with all the time because [we] have practice [together often]. Especially during football season [is when I get to] hang out with [my teammates] every day. The people I met through cheer and got close with this year make me [want] to continue cheer. [I also got closer with] the people on [the] varsity team and [was able to gain friendships] through that. I am happy [that I get to] cheer with [everyone] next year. It [urges me to] keep going. The cheer community is fun because everyone just understands each other. We're all very similar [and connected] in ways and it's like a tight knit family.” Alyssa Gessner, 9

Alyssa Gessner

Lydia Woodall, CJ1 Writer April 23, 2024

“I'm passionate about volleyball. I've been playing for six years. I play it because I like the way that, [even though,] it's a team sport, it's also focused on [a person] individually; especially in my position since I'm the back row defense where the ball can hit me. It's [up to] me, I can’t blame anybody else. I like how it's very focused on [the] performance and how well [I] react to how the other team plays. The way I play really matters to me because it’s a team sport and I don't want to let my teammates down.” Emma Barton, 9

Emma Barton

Mahiya Pallipat, CJ1 Writer April 18, 2024

“My goal for soccer this season is not only to improve in skill, but also to improve my way of communication. [To] not always put the blame on myself since a team [improves together]. So my goal [coming into the team] was to not be so harsh on myself and to know that not the whole team  depends on [me]. We all work as a team, and everyone [plays] a different [role]. The most exciting game this season was the first game, even though we lost it was like an exciting experience because it was the first game and it was nice seeing all my friends playing on the field together. I really improved my communication [skills]. My goal is to continue to strengthen my [ability of] communication [with the team] and to also improve my skill [at playing soccer].” - Ali Abdulsattar, 9

Ali Abdulsattar

Quinton Wallace, CJ1 Writer March 14, 2024

"My favorite part of being on the softball team is definitely just having fun with all the girls. It’s so fun talking to them about everything and especially school-wise, because they’re older. So they can kind of help and answer questions because most of them have been in the same position. I would say I look up to all of them. I feel like they [are all] role models for the freshman. I think the hardest thing about playing softball is definitely the mental side of it. It's really hard not to [bring yourself down], but I think you just have to be confident and that will help a lot. When I have a slump, it's really difficult to get out of it. The upperclassmen, coaches, and my parents have helped a lot with my [struggles] . I feel like you just have to surround yourself with the right people that will help you." - Kennedy Shea, 9

Kennedy Shea

Rylee Fahs, CJ1 Writer October 20, 2023

“It’s really important for me to be involved in high school, meet new people and try new things. Trying new things is always really hard, and I don't like doing it, but I know that it builds character, and makes trying [new things] later much easier. I knew that I wanted to have a foundation here [at school], get involved, try new things and make friends with people. After COVID, I was still signed up to try out for Color Guard, and I thought, ‘I might as well just go.’ No one goes into [the team] knowing how to do it, so it's like a challenge. You have to figure it out and adapt to what you're being asked. I love the team so much, and I love every single person. I'd go up to [all of them] at school and I'd hang out with any of them.” – Cora Tiemeier, 12

Cora Tiemeier

Sakenah Lajkem, Staff Writer August 24, 2023

“My favorite hobby is volleyball. I’ve been playing since third grade, and I play for a club outside of school, and I also play for the school team. I love the supportive environment in volleyball, and everyone on the club team is my best friend, so volleyball is a way I get to see them almost every day. There was once when I sprained my ankle, and it took me out for a couple of weeks. It’s a bad feeling because you just have to sit on the sidelines and watch your teammates play, and sometimes your teammates will be losing and you can’t do anything to help them. I usually end up spraining my ankle at least once a season, though, so I’ve gotten used to it since almost everyone gets hurt at least once a season. What keeps me motivated in volleyball is not wanting to let my teammates down. I know some of them want to play volleyball in college, and so I always want to play my best to give them the best games and not take away any of their opportunities.” - Abby Vogelgesang, 11

Abby Vogelgesang

Angie Ren, Staff Writer May 26, 2023

“Currently, college has been stressful for me, especially because I’m trying to get recruited for field hockey, and a lot goes into that process. It’s overwhelming since I feel a lot of pressure to not only go to a good college but one that also has a competitive field hockey team. So far, I have attended college recruitment tournaments, and I have emailed several colleges. Still, I haven't completed my field hockey profile, which is where recruiters can see and learn more about me. I want to play field hockey in the future since I’ve been playing my whole life, and I love playing sports in general. Field hockey is my favorite hobby by far, and it’s something that makes me happy and always brings up my mentality. I spend all my time playing after school, and it’s my dream to continue playing in the future. I’m okay if I don’t end up playing for a division, I just want to keep doing what makes me happy.” - Ava Reuther, 11

Ava Reuther

Angie Ren, Staff Writer May 10, 2023