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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“[I want to do something in life] that interests me. [I’m] going to keep that [same mindset throughout my] life for a long time and [am] probably going to have a job related to [my interests]. You have to do things that you enjoy, and that makes you happy because that is what you’ll be putting your life and all your blood, sweat and tears into. If you don’t you could end up in a bad situation. You need to [prepare yourself], learn about the subject [that intertwines with your interests] and prepare yourself for what could be coming [in the future].” - Puneeth Thotapalli, 9

Puneeth Thotapalli

Hrushi Eluru, CJ1 Writer February 2, 2024

For the past three years, Parkway has administered high school finals after winter break, a practice that proves to be detrimental to the success as well as the mental health of students. With finals after break appearing to do more harm than good, the question of what changes can be made arises time and time again. “The pressure for finals is difficult, and to have that [pressure for] a few weeks because you're on [a] break can make you generally sad. It's a bummer in general. I wish [finals] were before break, so we [could] have a break to sleep, celebrate and not study. Everyone I've talked to about it is like 'yeah, finals sucks,' and I wish that wasn't a thing,” junior Meadow Kostial said.

Post-break panic

The problem Beginning in the 2020-21 school year, a new schedule — pushing back the academic year and shifting finals to after winter break — was adopted district-wide. From students to teachers,...

Junior Zachary Schade sits in front of his family christmas tree while studying for finals. Schade thought that having finals after winter break caused unnecessary stress which makes it harder to enjoy the holidays. “I think finals after break forces students to study instead of enjoying what should be time with their family [away] from school,” Schade said. “It places an unpleasant cloud over the holiday experience and doesn’t allow a break before the start of a new semester.”

Final-ly Winter Break

Parkway Editorial Board December 31, 2021

The doors of the school swing open and students pour out, sprinting to their respective cars and overjoyed about the beginning of break. After escaping the chaos of the parking lot, you finally pull into...

As we finish our first round of tests, students can be finding themselves overwhelmed. However, there are new strategies students can pick up on their mission to stay on top of their work.

Tips for a successful school year

Madi Michajliczenko, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief October 11, 2021

Test, after test, after test. This has been the reality for students over the last few weeks. Two months into school, students are still struggling to get into the groove of things. Students are finding...

A photo illustration representing your steps to preparing for the AP Exams.

Putting your study skills to the test

Leah Schroeder, Managing Editor-in-Chief May 6, 2021

The sun beats down on your beach towel laid out by the cool waters of a refreshing pool. Your mind is clear, besides considering what plans you should make later. Life is good… until you remember all...

Some students utilize the library as a place to organize their study materials. The library is open to all students and offers computers, textbooks, whiteboards and a place to sit. "I make timelines with colorful markers on a whiteboard in the library to prepare for history finals," junior Zoey Womick said.

5. The official freshman guide to finals: By peers; for peers

Zoe DeYoung, Staff Writer December 11, 2019

On these final days leading up to finals (pun intended), study habits spring into full force. This is the time where students buckle down, lock themselves inside their room with Cheez-its and a textbook...

Working on a math problem during study hall, senior April Pak prepares for the AP Calculus Exam. AP exams take place from May 7 through May 18, while finals go from May 22 to May 25. “I study a little bit everyday leading up to the finals or the AP exam,” Pak said. “A good [way to study] is to buy an AP review book and maybe go through a set number of pages or a chapter every night. It’s really helpful.”

Senior tips for finals studying

B Antonenko, STAFF WRITER May 18, 2018

As finals approach and students and teachers prepare for the worst, the Pathfinder has got you covered on how to properly prepare for finals with tips and tricks from experienced seniors. Taking advantage...

An iPhone home screen shows apps handy during finals.

Eight apps save students’ grades

Gabby Leon, STAFF WRITER May 18, 2017

With finals week approaching, students begin the search for the most efficient ways of studying. Listed below are eight apps that can help you based on your preference of studying.   Quizlet Based...

Reviewing her history notes in study hall, freshman Charlotte Zera prepares for study hall.

Over-studying never equals success

Maddie Hoffmann, Staff Writer May 16, 2017

One word can incite instant panic for high school student: finals. The realization that they need a 400 percent on that Chemistry final is game-changing. This extreme anxiety is often the only source...

Using his Physics review guide, senior Brandon Eckhoff solves force problems.

The final countdown

Sarah Lashly, COPY COACH May 12, 2017

The school year is coming to a close, summer is 10 days away, and on top of all of that, finals for underclassmen are right around the corner. According to a Pathfinder survey, two thirds of students...