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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Students stand along Clayton road as a part of the nationwide walkout on March 14. Teachers threatened students walking out of the school with detention, but 14 students went anyway instead of attending the protest in the gym. “It felt good, to stand out there in solidarity with other students across the nation,” junior Harper Stewart said. “We linked arms, and as cars passed by they honked at us and drivers encouraged us. It was an incredibly powerful experience.”

Leaving the building and looking ahead

Dani Fischer, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF April 2, 2018

Over 200 students walked out of their classes and went to the gym to rally together with students across the nation on March 14. However, 14 students walked out the doors and to the front marquee despite...

Administrators and teachers stand at the doors of the main gym, observing the demonstration. Other Parkway schools allowed students to walk out of the building, but West students were warned of detentions when they tried to leave. “When we tried to leave the actual building teachers told us to stop or we would get detentions, so we went out another door and stood along Clayton road, willing to face the consequences,” junior Maria Newton said.

Photo of the week – March 12

Dani Fischer, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF March 21, 2018