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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“I started playing [basketball] because I saw that my brothers were playing, and I found it fun; I started playing at age eight and have continued to play ever since. [Something] I enjoy [is] the back-and-forth competitiveness of basketball that I don't get when I play softball, as well as our team bonding activities because I think it helps with the chemistry throughout our group and in the real world. I also enjoy winning and all of the competitive aspects. [Basketball] has brought great memories and people into my life, and I enjoy spending most of my time with them and cherish the memories my team has created. Getting to go out and play with my very best friends every day is just the best gift a girl can get. A big thing that motivates me is how much time and effort my coaches put in. I just want to work hard because they work hard, while also making my parents proud at the same time. Sometimes, it’s not an easy task being able to balance school and athletics, but with the right mindset and focusing on the goals that I have set for myself, it’s achievable.  In high-pressure situations, I just go back to playing my own game [and the basics within the game] rather than focusing on everything around me because I trust my training and my practice. [My advice for upcoming players] is to keep going and continue to practice. Nobody is perfect, there is always going to be something to improve or get better at. There is always going to be someone out there who is doing better than you, and if you want to be the best, you have to keep going and push yourself to be better, but most importantly just have fun in what you’re doing.”  - Siena Snyder, 12

Siena Snyder

Ella McNeal, CJ1 Writer 1 day ago

College Bound Ep. 1: Senior Siena Snyder, University of Michigan

College Bound Ep. 1: Senior Siena Snyder, University of Michigan

Sami Maniaci, Yearbook Contributor November 1, 2024

Senior Sami Maniaci: Hello, Longhorns. I'm your host, Sami Maniaci, and in today's episode, we have a very special guest: Siena Snyder. Siena started playing softball at only four years old, and had...

“Growing up with foreign parents was challenging, especially in the softball world. They had no idea how softball and recruiting worked, making [the process] difficult. Over time, I've become accustomed to it and [have] developed [my] softball IQ and [knowledge on] how America works. Softball has continued to impact my life today by teaching me how to work as a team and giving me motivation, daily exercise and some great memories. I started playing softball when I was 12 years old and played on a Little League team that went to Little League regionals in Texas. After that, I fell in love with softball and started playing at a higher level. My teammates continue to motivate me to play softball at my very best.” Lily Bell, 12

Lily Bell

Noor Hacking, Staff Writer October 3, 2024

“I'm more than an athlete. My whole life, I've been known as a serious athlete. I want to do sports management and coaching [in the future] because of how I was influenced by others in the sports that I love. [Although], my life has been all about sports, I want to be known for more of my personality as I get older. My favorite experience is the team atmosphere and all the different experiences and knowledge I’ve gained. I've learned more general life lessons from sports than sitting in a classroom. I’ve learned how to step up and be a leader in the right way. I will forever be grateful for everything sports has taught me.” - Rachel Livak, 12

Rachel Livak

Noor Hacking, Staff Writer November 9, 2023

"My favorite part of being on the softball team is definitely just having fun with all the girls. It’s so fun talking to them about everything and especially school-wise, because they’re older. So they can kind of help and answer questions because most of them have been in the same position. I would say I look up to all of them. I feel like they [are all] role models for the freshman. I think the hardest thing about playing softball is definitely the mental side of it. It's really hard not to [bring yourself down], but I think you just have to be confident and that will help a lot. When I have a slump, it's really difficult to get out of it. The upperclassmen, coaches, and my parents have helped a lot with my [struggles] . I feel like you just have to surround yourself with the right people that will help you." - Kennedy Shea, 9

Kennedy Shea

Rylee Fahs, CJ1 Writer October 20, 2023

Photo of the Week - Sept. 22

Photo of the Week – Sept. 22

Dana Zafarani, Photo of the Week Editor September 22, 2023

In her batting position, sophomore Steffi Fussner prepares to hit the ball. “I play soccer and softball, even though I have a hip injury. In softball, batting is not as easy as it seems, so this game...

“I really enjoy playing soccer and I want to go far with it. It's hard especially during my fall 
season because I was playing softball through school and club soccer for three teams. It was a challenge because a lot of weekends I was going out on tournaments, then coming back was really hard with the lack of rest and everything. I really want to go far and I want to go to college and play a sport in college. I know the next step is playing in high school and then playing in college and then just continuing on. You need to make sure that you're living life to the fullest. A lot of my challenges in sports are injury based and those are the hardest. You have so many people telling you that you shouldn't play because you should want to heal before you do. But the hardest times in my life are when I'm injured. When I can't play and then I feel like I'm letting down my team. But you have to take that step back though and realize if anyone else was in that situation you wouldn’t want them to possibly hurt themselves just to keep playing. You would want them to take care of themselves and get better.” - Stephanie Fussner, 9

Stephanie Fussner

Amelia Bothmann, CJ1 Writer May 16, 2023

Taking her lead off of second base, freshman catcher Ansley Forbes prepates to make a run to third. The JV softball team beat Fox 7-3 in their game on Sept. 10. "I think [we won] because we had great communication and offensive work during the game," Forbes said. "We all work hard and are supportive of each other. I am looking forward to the competition for this season and improving as a team."

Photo of the Week- Sept. 10

Mira Nalbandian, Managing Editor-in-Chief September 10, 2021

Walking across the field, junior Callie DiCarlo attends softball practice on Sept. 16. The players wore masks during non-strenuous activities and distanced in the dugout. "It’s been hard especially because I feel for the seniors that their season isn’t normal, so I’ve been getting closer with girls on the team and it’s been lots of fun," DiCarlo said. "Our practices are definitely different right now due to health precautions."

Photo of the week – Sept. 14

Addie Gleason, Managing Editor-in-Chief September 18, 2020

Junior varsity baseball coach Andrew Jett swings his arms while coaching third base telling senior Jason Reilly to run to home plate.  Jett feels at home when coaching baseball. “ I hope that in 10 years I meant so much to them that they invite me to their weddings,” Jett said.

Meet the new “Jett-setting” softball coach

Gabi Badami, Staff Writer April 16, 2020

It is safe to say that Math teacher Andrew Jett will be coaching the varsity softball in the 2020 season. Social Studies teacher Jeff Chazen has coached the softball team for 11 years and recently stepped...