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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Getting ready for the state championship, seniors James Griffin and Brayden Eddy finish their practice as they stand with their friends, holding a poster of the competition bracket. On Feb. 15, they practiced at St. Charles High School. “As soon as I found out that I was going to state, I instantly knew that all my hard work had paid off to this moment,” Griffin said. “It felt awesome to be able to represent our school at the state-level competition.”

Seniors place top 10 in state wrestling championship

Jacob Stanton, Staff Writer February 25, 2020

As loud cheering echoes throughout the stadium and cameras flash to capture the perfect image, seniors Brayden Eddy and James Griffin celebrate their victories at the state wrestling championship, completing...

Some students utilize the library as a place to organize their study materials. The library is open to all students and offers computers, textbooks, whiteboards and a place to sit. "I make timelines with colorful markers on a whiteboard in the library to prepare for history finals," junior Zoey Womick said.

5. The official freshman guide to finals: By peers; for peers

Zoe DeYoung, Staff Writer December 11, 2019

On these final days leading up to finals (pun intended), study habits spring into full force. This is the time where students buckle down, lock themselves inside their room with Cheez-its and a textbook...

College and career secretary Lauren Rowe finishes submitting a senior’s college admission paperwork. Rowe began submitting Transcription and Information Release Requests immediately upon her arrival at school. “As I reached the office I already had pink sheets in my box,” Rowe said. “I submitted the materials right away so everything reaches the offices of admissions in a timely manner.”

College and career center lacks designated college counselor

Umeera Farooq, Convergence Journalism Writer December 3, 2019

Preparing consent and release forms, standardized test scores and recommendation letters, College and career secretary Lauren Rowe is bombarded with paperwork starting Nov. 1. Within the Parkway School...

Celebrating the dodgeball victory, the Zebras coach, senior Nick Boland raises two fists in the air. The Zebras later went on to win the whole tournament. "It was an amazing feeling," Boland said. "Although I didn't play I still felt like a winner after it was all said and done."

Photo of the week – Nov. 25

Michael Lolley, Staff Writer November 26, 2019

After winning their competition, seniors Jason Yang and Ben Goff stand outside the venue, holding their trophy. The competition lasted for three days from Sept. 13 to Sept. 15. “This was an amazing experience, and I am glad we were able to compete,” Goff said. “I just like being able to come up with unique ideas and being able to design a robot and put them to test and see which ideas worked and which ones didn’t.”

Robotics and Soccer: how two students qualified for the world championship

Jacob Stanton, Staff Writer November 18, 2019

Hearts pounding, seniors Jason Yang and Ben Goff step up to compete during the National Robotics Competition in California. However, this was not just any robotics competition–it was a sports competition....

ReCAP host and Senior Emma Caplinger stands outside the University of Minnesota Twin Cities student union Sept. 7.

The ReCap: Big Decisions

Emma Caplinger, Arts and Entertainment Editor October 8, 2019

Students, especially upperclassmen, are constantly being forced to make decisions. Whether small, like choosing courses for next semester, or of gravity, like applying for college, students’ day-to-day...

Making a pass down the field, senior and varsity midfielder Carly Anderson strikes the ball past a Clayton defender. Anderson has played varsity all four years of high school. "I am really excited about this season," Anderson said. "We started out a lot stronger than usual and we're determined to finish out the season that same way."

Field hockey: new teams and new titles

Fatema Rehmani, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief September 20, 2019

From the first day of fall sports tryouts, the field hockey program has been breaking traditions. With more than 50 players, the program formed three teams and welcomed their first Pool Championship in...

With increased enrollment, 380 students were allowed to pay $85 for a parking permit. There are currently no more spots being sold. “Based on however many junior and senior parking permits we give out at the beginning of the year, will usually determine how many more spots we have to sell for the rest of the year," Sophomore class Principal Kate Piffel said.

Increased enrollment leads to new parking policies

Drew Boone, Staff Writer September 3, 2019

It’s a right of passage many seniors, juniors and a handful of sophomores enjoy, purchasing an $85 space to ensure they can drive to school. However, due to increased enrollment, the plan has been revised. “All...

Seniors Stephen Zhao, Andrew Li, Caleb Canatoy, Joaquin Rendon and Noah Wright work in teams to create tasty dishes for a cooking competition, judged by seniors Maria Newton and Harper Stewart. The boys, also including seniors Tony Galanti, Paul Gipkhin and Umer Mallick, raced against the clock and each other to avoid the losers’ punishment of having some hair waxed off. “Having a friendly competition drove me to try my hardest so that my friends could be impressed,” Li said.

Chopping the competition: senior boys compete in high-stakes cook-off

Maria Newton, FEATURES EDITOR May 8, 2019

The stove was hot and the kitchen began filling with smoke. Eight senior boys ran frantically about the small space in search of utensils and ingredients. Two senior girls, Maria Newton and Harper Stewart,...

Working on his novella before the approaching publishing date, senior Hayden Riehl hopes to grow both his understanding of the world around him and the world’s understanding of him. “I find writing for storytelling to be incredibly therapeutic, just from some of the stories that people have written in class that I've [seen],” Riehl said. “It was them literally working through a trauma that they've had in the past or something that they're trying to get their own heads wrapped around. Stories can do that. They can help you navigate a sea of your own thoughts.”

From students to published authors: Creative Writing 2 will host E-book release launch party at the Wolf Cafe

Brinda Ambal, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief April 30, 2019

In a frenzy to finish before their deadline, the Creative Writing 2 class logs hours that will result in a published E-book on the Amazon Kindle Store. Amazon’s self-publishing program, Kindle Direct...