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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


With drastic polarization characterizing the country's political environment, divide spills over into other aspects of daily life. Healthcare is defined by the World Health Organization as a fundamental human right; however, the topic has become more accepted as a point of debate rather than a matter of utmost importance. "Going to the doctor, getting a necessary procedure or giving aid to places that need it should be indisputable — regardless of party alignment," junior Ryan Shabani said.

Health isn’t a political tool, it’s a human right

Pathfinder Editorial Board January 31, 2025

Health first — a phrase commonly integrated throughout schools, communities and even society as a whole. It serves as a constant reminder that wellness far outweighs other obligations: deadlines, plans,...

“When I first started [Speech and Debate],  I struggled with competing, finding time for it [and] managing my time. I focused so much on the competition aspect and trying to win tournaments, that I kept overlooking the parts like building connections with people, [and] making friends. I would stress myself out. I started planning my time for when I could do things. Practicing more helped, because the more I practiced, the better I got in competition. It didn't seem as scary or as hard as it was before. When I first started, the whole thing about debate is that you're not always going to win, and there's a lot of people that wish they were in your position just winning one time. It's best not to focus on that, and to focus on if you're improving from last time.” - Ryan Shabani, 11

Ryan Shabani

Yusra Khan, Staff Writer December 16, 2024

From April 24 to May 3, students in the Parkway West Spanish club sold woven bracelets called ‘Pulseras.’ Pieces were sold outside of the cafeteria by Spanish club members. “It's my way of giving back. It's just a cool project in general for students to be exposed to a nonprofit organization that's not in the U.S. and deals with other cultures and other countries,” Spanish club sponsor Dominique Navarro said.

Pulsera power: Spanish Club’s mission to make a difference

Keira Lang and Zoya Hasan May 13, 2024

From April 24 to May 3, the Parkway West Spanish Club arranged a nonprofit event called The Pulsera Project. In Spanish, Pulsera directly translates to bracelet, and that’s precisely what the club offered...

As students approach adulthood, it is essential for them to learn about the status quo from all perspectives possible. While in school, students have opportunities to engage in activities, discussions and lessons to enhance their knowledge. “People will be afraid to speak out on their political views if they know that those around them disagree with them, but we definitely talk about political issues around school. We encourage people to share different political views and make sure that no one is excluded,” sophomore Ryan Shabani said.

Drivers of change: Society’s role in the generational influence of politics

Pathfinder Editorial Board February 29, 2024

Make America Great Again. Finish the Job. Everyone’s Invited. Make America Normal Again. Declare Your Independence.  With the 2024 presidential election less than nine months away, campaigns and...

Juniors Laith Alhamid and Brooke Hoenecke smile at the camera, sitting behind a red table in the cafeteria as they sell candy canes. A sign beside them advertises the Candy Cane Exchange.

‘Tis the season

Serena Liu and Ruthvi Tadakamalla December 13, 2023
This week, Future Business Leaders of America is hosting their annual Candy Cane Exchange. For $1, students can purchase candy canes to be delivered to a recipient of their choice. Each candy cane can come with a complimentary note.
Working at the annual Folklife Festival, an event leader demonstrates the use of a four post box loom. Created in England during the 16th century, the four post box loom allowed weavers in the Northeastern colonies to weave fabric more efficiently than before, playing an essential role in the evolution of settler culture. “Walking around the festival, you could see how people actually lived in the past — what they'd do for fun, how they survived. It was really interesting to see how different it was from now. You could put yourself in the shoes of the people back then,” senior Jojo Shank said.

Bridging the past

Risa Cidoni, Editor-in-Chief November 3, 2023

Each year, the crisp autumn weather breezes by, carrying comforting traditions of the outdoors; Fright Fests, pumpkin patches and hayrides arrive annually, embracing the return of sweater weather. But...

The best summer bops: West’s favorite songs heading into break

The best summer bops: West’s favorite songs heading into break

Triya Gudipati and Rachel Brazier June 2, 2023

As the school year begins to wind down, warm temperatures, tanning, swimming and, most importantly, music has been on everyone’s minds. With break starting today, we asked members of the West community...