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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Freshman Sydney Kinzy holds out a hand, with her ring finger painted pink in protest.

A moment of silence for silent protests

Hannah Hoffmann, TECHNICAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF January 23, 2015

Sitting down during the pledge of allegiance. Pink fingernails. Students not uttering a single word for all six hours of the school day. Anything in common here? If you said no, you are far from alone...

Junior Sidney Baker shows her support for the Feminist Club by purchasing a t-shirt that reads "This is what a feminist looks like". Baker was recruited to the club's executive staff as the Publicist, running the social media accounts.

Feminist Club promotes gender equality

Sohia McMorrow, Staff Writer January 22, 2015
The Feminist Club was kick-started to raise awareness about gender equality and equal rights for women.

Fixing society for Leelah Alcorn

Sydney Kinzy, PHOTO EDITOR January 21, 2015
After a transgender teen commits suicide, students want to bring awareness to the school to prevent future deaths.