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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Ken Susman stands in front of the board of education in the foyer of Central Middle school. He is wearing a red shirt and speaking into the microphone at the podium, empassioned.

Parkway teachers take a stand for increased inclusion

Dani Fischer, MANAGING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF May 9, 2019

“Tolerance for racism is racism” and “no room in this room for racism”: both of these are phrases that are hung in teachers’ classrooms across Parkway. Below the white text is a hashtag—#EndRacismInParkway. These...

Answering a question asked by a student, Board of Education candidate Pam Hill sits beside Tom Wilsdon representing Sudhir Rathod at the student-sponsored School Board Candidate Forum March 11 at Parkway Central. Candidates Farida Ahsan and Dr. Sam Sciortino also attended the candidate forum, and all candidates answered questions surrounding topics such as mental health, curriculum, student drug use and more. “I think those forums are a great way to learn more about the candidates, and I just loved the student-sponsored one,” Hill said. “There are things you need to read and issues you need to study up on as a school board candidate, and because I have an interest in education, reading things about education is something that I’m going to want to do and going to be willing to put in the time to do.”

Parkway Board of Education candidates plan for future of the district

Sabrina Bohn, Managing Editor-in-Chief April 1, 2019

Yard signs boasting candidates’ names line the streets of Parkway’s district as the community prepares for the election Tuesday, April 2. With two seats open on the Board of Education, newcomers Pam...

Speaking about school safety at the League of Women Voters meeting March 12, candidate Amy Bonnett is running for one of the two open director positions on the Parkway School Board. All candidates, which includes Jeanie Ames, Matt Schindler, Jonathan Taylor, Kevin Seltzer and Bonnett answered audience questions at this forum. "I have always been a proud Parkway West alumna, and I care deeply about our schools and district," Bonnett said. "For the last three years, I have served as the [West Parent's Organization] President at Parkway West. Running for School Board is simply a natural extension of my service and enthusiasm for the district that has educated me and my children."

6. Parkway Board of Education election brings controversy

Carly Anderson and Sabrina Bohn March 23, 2018

With student participation in politics on the rise across the nation, Parkway’s own Board of Education election approaches. Community members will vote for the two open seats April 3, and the candidates...