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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Junior CJ Schrieber plays the drum set for his jazz band, Cosmic Latte. Schrieber has played drum set in West High marching band shows since his freshman year. “I’m going to try to write more concert band things that are less percussion-oriented,” Schrieber said about his percussion-centered compositions.

Student Spotlight: CJ Schrieber

Allison Wills, Staff Writer March 19, 2015

After eight months of preparation, junior CJ Schreiber finished composing his second marching band show. “The theme of the show is nightmares, and the things you may see or feel in a nightmare,”...

Imagine Dragons’ “Smoke & Mirrors” is no illusion

Sydney Kinzy, PHOTO EDITOR March 5, 2015
After years of touring around the world with fans waiting in anticipation, Imagine Dragons released their new album Smoke + Mirrors to follow up Night Visions.
Open mic night at The Wolf

Open mic night at The Wolf

Lily Briscoe, Staff Writer March 4, 2015
Every Tuesday, Lone Wolf Coffee House hosts an open mic night. Participants must perform two songs of their choice, and the audience members must make a minimum purchase of $5. Senior Kate sullivan has been performing at The Wolf for over a year and half.

Music Department comes together at Masterworks

Emily Dickson, CONCEPTUAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF March 2, 2015

Orchestra Director Ed Sandheinrich conducts Te Deum as the Symphonic Orchestra and the Concert Choir rehearse for the Masterworks concert on Feb. 9.  The concert, held in the Manchester Methodist church,...

Festival Frenzy

Tashaun Ewing, Staff Writer February 25, 2015

While most of the country is currently in an Arctic snap, music lovers and festival goers anticipate the the first day of Spring, which signals the start of the music festival frenzy in the the upcoming...

Jazz Choir performs at the Fall Choir Concert, Oct. 23.

Jazz Choir Performs at MMEA Conference

Allison Wills, Staff Writer January 27, 2015
Through a unique opportunity, the Parkway West Jazz Choir is performing at the Missouri Music Educators Association's (MMEA) widely-attended conference on Jan.29. The MMEA hosts the annual conference at Tan-Tar-A resort, at the Lake of the Ozarks, featuring workshops for educators and musical performances from groups from around the state.
They got the beat

They got the beat

Shannon Anderson, Editor-in-Chief January 23, 2015

Feet tapping and heads bobbing, juniors Jacob Cupps, Sidney Baker, Alex Hubbard and senior Patricia Busch prepare “Muddy Water” for their Jazz Choir concert Jan. 16. The song was chosen by Director...

Junior Jake Summers has a jam session with his bass while practicing for jazz band.

Jazz Band: A movement to bring the jazz back

Nico Stranquist, Staff Writer September 26, 2014
A new music elective looks for motivated musicians.
Grouplove plays "Lovely Cup" at the Bud Light Stage on Sunday, Sept. 7.

Loufest 2014: Still on the rise

Shannon Anderson, Editor-in-Chief September 18, 2014
40 bands performed at Forest Park Sept. 6-7, marking the fifth year of the Loufest Music Festival.