![Spanish teacher Lauren Bernstein promotes SeneGence tinted lotion to potential customers. After this year, Bernstein will be leaving the education field to pursue sales for these cosmetics. “This really provided an opportunity for me,” Bernstein said. “I do [feel empowered], both on the business sense of things and [the personal].”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Bernstein-makeup-900x600.jpg)
Hóla oportunidades: Lauren Bernstein pursues her new passion for sales
• February 22, 2019

Senior Bailey Goughenour shares makeup talents through freelance and social media
Sabrina Bohn, Managing Editor-in-Chief
• September 26, 2018

Highlights of senior Bama Nanić’s instagram influence
Nayeon Ryu, Video Editor
• October 27, 2017

Student attempts the Makeup Challenge
Sydney Kinzy, PHOTO EDITOR
• October 4, 2016

Leigh Ann Barnett, STAFF WRITER
• September 22, 2016