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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


“My goal for soccer this season is not only to improve in skill, but also to improve my way of communication. [To] not always put the blame on myself since a team [improves together]. So my goal [coming into the team] was to not be so harsh on myself and to know that not the whole team  depends on [me]. We all work as a team, and everyone [plays] a different [role]. The most exciting game this season was the first game, even though we lost it was like an exciting experience because it was the first game and it was nice seeing all my friends playing on the field together. I really improved my communication [skills]. My goal is to continue to strengthen my [ability of] communication [with the team] and to also improve my skill [at playing soccer].” - Ali Abdulsattar, 9

Ali Abdulsattar

Quinton Wallace, CJ1 Writer March 14, 2024

Math and computer science teacher Jason Townsend explains how to graph algebraic equations in front of the class. Townsend teaches algebra, calculus, and computer science. "I love teaching calculus [because] calculus [is] more challenging [and] more interesting to me. Granted, if you're a good teacher, you find ways to make [all math] interesting for your students and you challenge yourself to do it differently all the time,” Townsend said.

Traveling, teaching, theater — oh, my!

Grace Loethen, Staff Writer March 1, 2023

  Hidden in a nook on the first floor, math and computer science teacher Jason Townsend enthusiastically teaches his last year of classes before retirement. His booming voice resounds off the blue...