![Senior Josie Grunzinger watches the football game intently from the sidelines on Oct. 18. Grunzinger stood out to the crowd as the only girl on the football team, encouraging other girls who want to play football to take a chance and go for a sport outside of their comfort zone. “If you think you could [play football] and you want to do it, just try it, because all it takes is to actually try it out,” Grunzinger said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Untitled-design-1200x675.png)
Kicking off
Ruthvi Tadakamalla, Sports/Newsletter Editor
• October 31, 2024

Kickoff to high school season
Payton Dean, Staff Writer
• September 26, 2024
![“I have been playing football for a long time and have enjoyed it. This year especially, I had so much fun. I was very happy when I made varsity because freshmen don't usually make the team [their first year of high school.] I love being around the guys [on the team] and I am going to miss the senior [mentors] next year. I will never forget the impact the seniors and Coach Duncan had on me. It was not only a team, it was a family. I felt like I belonged.” - Ethan Bain, 9](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/IMG_7636-1200x800.jpeg)
Ethan Baine
Noor Hacking, Staff Writer
• May 21, 2024

The finale: senior Cameron Hickert wins Mr. Longhorn 2023
Serena Liu and Elizabeth Franklin
• November 24, 2023

Judgment-free, stress-free and fee-free
Cindy Phung, Editor-in-Chief
• May 26, 2023
![Clutching the ball on a quarterback run, junior Joseph Federer hustles on the field, attempting to score a touchdown. As a child, Federer grew up watching football. “An NFL player who inspires me is [quarterback] Kyler Murray. He is a very accurate quarterback and can also make tremendous plays with his feet,” Federer said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/DSC_0358-1-900x600.jpg)
Drive to play
Lia Emry, Staff Writer
• September 27, 2022

Cadet teachers reporting for duty
Madi Michajliczenko, Conceptual Editor-in-Chief
• May 27, 2021

Football season set to begin outside of St. Louis County
Drew Boone, Staff Writer
• October 3, 2020

Farewell to ‘Trainer Matt’
Cooper Walkoff, Convergence Journalism Writer
• December 19, 2019
![Smiling before surgery, junior Tim Nelson holds a teddy bear. Nelson was excited to undergo surgery so that he could begin the long recovery process. “After the pain goes away, I know [the recovery process] will be easy,” Nelson said. “I just need to have patience, and that's kind of something I don't have all the time.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/DSC_0013-900x600.jpg)
A season-ending injury to a speedy recovery
Victoria Neeser, Convergence Journalism Writer
• December 11, 2019