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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


Sophomore Sadie Burgess poses with her grandmother's novel "Spirited Sisters." Burgess' grandmother grew up in India and has written 20 novels with her experience.

Discovering diversity

Ava Griswold, Yearbook Editor-in-Chief March 31, 2023

After spending time with her grandparents twice a year, sophomore Sadie Burgess felt a connection far beyond Ballwin, Mo. Burgess’ grandma was born and raised in India, where she attended...

Cultural appropriation is being called out in mass media and online, but the line between appropriation and appreciation can often be hard to identify. Recently, Asianfishing and Westernization have become more acknowledged by the media, but it’s important to understand exactly why they are harmful. “Cultural appropriation can give [people] the wrong concept of [certain] cultures. They’re seeing what the American media perceives these [cultures] to be, and a lot of times that’s not [what] it [is],” sophomore Anu Pidikiti said.

The Fine Line

Nidhi Pejathaya, Staff Writer December 8, 2022

Blackface. "Spirit animals." Kimonos. In today’s day and age, cultural appropriation — the adoption of one aspect of a culture from another, often disrespecting the original culture — is something...

Sophomore Karthik Dulla decides his next move as he plays a game of chess against himself. Dulla learned to play chess in India since it was the only thing he could do to pass the time. “You don’t have to be smart to play chess, all you need to know is how all the pieces move, and then you can take a go at it,” Dulla said.

Pencil and paper: How sophomore Karthik Dulla taught himself through middle school

Nidhi Pejathaya, Staff Writer November 3, 2022

When sophomore Karthik Dulla’s United States visa expired, he and his family returned to India in October 2021. They planned to stay for a few months while the U.S. approved a new visa. But, when the...

At the Bangalore International Airport, senior Dyuti Peddada comes back from camp with her best friend. Peddada photographed moments that she could look back on to remember. “During camp, we couldn’t use our phones, so coming back from the camp and going to our dormitories, we were all excited. I took photos during the entire trip,” Peddada said.

Senior Dyuti Peddada’s experience at an Indian boarding school

Samari Sanders, Staff Writer May 18, 2022

With hopes of introducing her to her heritage, senior Dyuti Peddada’s father enrolled her in a boarding school in Bengaluru, India, at the age of 15. Peddada traveled 14,141 kilometers to Indus International...

Celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights, senior Anjali Patnana poses with her family. Patnana practices Hinduism, and Diwali is a big celebration with family. “Diwali is so much fun, it’s nice [to spend time] with family,” Patnana said.

Goodbye for now: senior Anjali Patnana reflects on being separated from her family

Gabrielle Oliver, Staff Writer March 1, 2021

It was a warm night in Mumbai, India. All of senior Anjali Patnana’s family was gathered around at the conclusion of her family’s annual trip to India in summer 2019, saying their goodbyes. Wiping...

Staring into the distance, Vaishali Shah admires the Three Towers.

Students and teachers travel out of country during winter break

Gabby Leon, STAFF WRITER January 20, 2017
“We sat on the beach. We weren’t going there to experience the culture since it was a short trip, and we were exhausted. We got up early, ate breakfast and sat and walked on the beach. No significant others, no children, just three teachers,” Collins said.
Freshmen Khushali Sarnot moved from India recently.

Students move from one country to the next

Vaishal Shah, Staff Writer May 1, 2015
Students at West High coming from different countries share their story.