![“I'm passionate about volleyball. I've been playing for six years. I play it because I like the way that, [even though,] it's a team sport, it's also focused on [a person] individually; especially in my position since I'm the back row defense where the ball can hit me. It's [up to] me, I can’t blame anybody else. I like how it's very focused on [the] performance and how well [I] react to how the other team plays. The way I play really matters to me because it’s a team sport and I don't want to let my teammates down.” Emma Barton, 9](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/image1-1200x800.jpg)
Emma Barton
Mahiya Pallipat, CJ1 Writer
• April 18, 2024

Ava Reuther
Angie Ren, Staff Writer
• May 10, 2023
![“Fishing is my favorite hobby to do outside of school. My friend, Andrew Leonard, invited me to go fishing [during] the summer of 2020, and that’s when I started to realize how much I liked to fish since before, I never really thought much of it. During the summer, I would go multiple times a week with my friend, Max Brophy, and we still sometimes do now, but since it’s cold out, the fish usually don’t take the bait as often. I love fishing because I don’t have to talk to people, and I can just listen to music for hours while no one bothers me. It’s peaceful. I have also grown a lot closer to Max since it gives us a lot of alone time to talk and spend time together. I’m looking forward to this summer so I can go fishing with my friends and have a good time overall.” - David Hawiger, 11](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/DSC_0005-900x600.jpg)
David Hawiger
Angie Ren, Staff Writer
• May 8, 2023
![English teacher Erin Fluchel poses with the camera she uses during sessions. Fluchel experimented with other types of photography but decided that she preferred family moments most. “[Photographing a wedding] was stressful. It was a long day that I was away from my kids. I felt like I was capturing more of the stage moments and not the spontaneous stuff that I love doing. I'm glad that I tried these things, but it wasn't for me. Again, it was less about connection and more about getting perfect things,” Fluchel said.](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/SNAPSHOTS-OF-LIFE-900x600.png)
Snapshots of life
Addie Gleason, Managing Editor-in-Chief
• March 31, 2022
Carolyn Richards discovers aerial arts
Lily Briscoe, Staff Writer
• April 29, 2015