![Standing in the hallways, sophomore Kyle Norman makes a Tik Tok video for his fans. Over the month of September, Norman gained over 2,000 fans on the app. “Sometimes, I feel like people don’t understand what I do or why I do [it] because I get weird looks when I make Tik Toks,” Norman said. “Nobody really thinks that it’s possible for just a normal guy like me to be so popular without showing it off to everybody.”](https://pwestpathfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/KyleNormannp-1-e1570122828583.jpg)
9. Fame, fortune and 15 second videos? Students share the experience of being “Tik Tok famous”
Michael Lolley, Staff Writer
• October 3, 2019

Inside look: student influencers make the most of social media
Leah Schroeder, Managing Editor-in-Chief
• September 27, 2019