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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The first thing to know about college interviews is that you shouldn’t worry about college interviews.

How to make college interviews less scary and more successful

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

The first thing to know about college interviews is that you shouldn’t worry about college interviews. If a school offers interviews, you should take one to reaffirm your interest, but these aren’t...

If a college was going to admit you simply because you were captain of the math team, they wouldn’t need you to write this essay. What do you want to tell colleges about yourself that the activities section of the Common Application doesn’t?

But wait, there’s more: a guide to supplemental essays

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

First — and most importantly — if you’re reading this right before an application deadline: welcome, fellow member of the procrastination nation. I respect your hustle. I imagine this will be...

This is an opportunity to put the ball back in your court and, for 650 words, tell admissions officers anything you want.

The personal essay from start to finish

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

I want to begin this section on the Common Application personal essay by telling you a story about myself, something to help you understand who I am. A stentorian clangor jolted throughout the right...

I should also mention that most schools have a way for you to send optional rec letters beyond what is required... That’s fine if the extra work will help your cause, but there’s a saying among AOs, “the thicker the file, the thicker the applicant."

A primer on letters of recommendation

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

Let’s talk about letters of recommendation, AKA the things that brought out several of my biggest fears: asking for favors and people talking about me behind my back. I’m going to compartmentalize...

You could pour your time into additional test prep, or you could devote that energy to polishing the rest of your application, writing your essays, etc. In my opinion, the latter is likely to yield a higher return on investment.

A rundown on standardized test scores

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

Let’s talk about standardized tests. In pop culture and general American discourse, they’re one of the most prominent symbols for the college admissions process. This is understandable: the SAT and...

There are hundreds of thousands of fancy sounding high school leadership positions in any given year; slapping those titles onto a college application isn’t going to move the needle much unless you actually achieved something in your activities.

Making the most of the honors and activities sections

Tyler Kinzy, Managing Editor-in-Chief August 2, 2021

Like with GPA, we usually put academic honors and extracurricular activities in the list of things that are largely set in stone* by the fall of your senior year. But you still need to actually tell colleges...

2021 Senior send-off map

2021 Senior send-off map

Paige Matthys-Pearce, Staff Writer March 5, 2021

Senior Katie Ferbet signs her national letter of intent to commit to Saint Mary’s College of California Nov. 13. Ferbet had narrowed down her decision to about three schools before she made her final choice. “Once I decided, I told the coach ‘I want to accept your offer’ and that's where I am now. I definitely felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders,” Ferbet said.

College sports recruiting during COVID-19

Ellie West, Staff Writer January 25, 2021

The process to play college sports is a difficult one, with strict rules and limited windows of opportunity for interested students. With new cases topping 300,000 Jan. 8, the COVID-19 pandemic is the...

Seniors have a wide variety of colleges to pick from as they search for the school that is right for them.

Senior struggles with college applications during the era of COVID-19

Bri Davis, Staff Writer December 7, 2020

“It feels like you're taking your pants off in front of a whole crowd.” That is how senior Amina Aser describes her college applications process. The fear of being vulnerable to those close to you...

More than 1,800 colleges in the US offer a substitutional way to get an on campus feel.

A virtual reality: Juniors tour their future schools online

Makinsey Drake, Staff Writer May 25, 2020

With colleges closed all around the country due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, college-seeking students have had to explore their future school options via virtual tours.  Juniors Reese Berry, Bri...