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The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


The Official Student News Site of Parkway West High


As the digital age grows, so does the use of music streaming platforms which make music easier to access. But even with how popular many streaming platforms are, the payment of emerging artists who share their music has stayed below a liveable wage.

A digital age: Music streaming platforms are killing artists

Opal Kadam, Staff Writer February 6, 2025

Apple Music. Deezer. Spotify. Tidal. YouTube Music. These are some of the most popular music streaming platforms in the 21st century, and rightfully so. These platforms have revolutionized how we listen...

"Becoming a teacher evolved over time. I wanted to be a writer or in theater, [so] I got degrees in English and theater and wrote plays. Every important job involved working with kids. After college, I [worked on] shows with kids, and [everything] I loved came together. That's when I thought [becoming a teacher]. I went back to school [for] a master’s in education. [Being] 5-foot-2, I was a little scared to teach high school, thinking students [might] think I was younger than them, [so] I got a job at the middle [school] and loved [it]. I always wanted to teach high school, and [now I’ve finally done it]. I see [my students’] great writing, and it inspires me. I've written so much myself but haven't sent much out [yet]. I think I'll [focus on that] after I retire. This is my second year at Parkway West and my first [time] teaching high school, and it’s something I've always wanted to do. I love being [here].” – Marcy Rademeyer, English

Marcy Rademeyer, English

Yusra Khan, Staff Writer November 12, 2024

“I was the girl that always played teacher when I [was] growing up. I [would set]  my dolls up and stuffed animals up and they’d be my students [that I] would play school with. When I graduated high school, I went to Mizzou to become a broadcast journalist. I talked to a couple of people in the field and they all said to go wherever the jobs are.  I knew I wasn't the type of person [whose] career was going to drive them around the world, and I knew I was in the wrong place, so I talked to my parents, and they [said] that I’ve always loved teaching. I went to Missouri State University, [then got a job] in a small town called Buffalo just north of Springfield and I worked there for two years. After that, I decided to get my graduate degree in math, and I had an opportunity to get a grad assistantship where I could go to school and teach. We ended up moving here to St. Louis and I taught for 10 years in the Fort Zumwalt district, and then seven years here at Parkway West. The one piece of advice I always give students is that they will spend more waking hours of their adult life in their job than anything else they do; so find something that you're passionate about and something that you love. Oftentimes as an adult, I feel like I'm saying one thing and doing another thing, but that [advice] I feel like I'm truly living.” – Andrea Horn, Math

Andrea Horn, Math

Isaiah Meese, Yearbook Contributor February 21, 2024

“I’m a captain [of the Varsity Cheerleading team]. I think it's fun and I like leading. In practice, we stretch [with] everyone and then we make up quarter and timeout [routines] for the games. It's kind of sad [that it is my last year here], but at the same time I'm excited for [what comes after high school]. I like the pep rallies. [One piece of advice is that] you should always be kind because you never know what someone's going through. You don't want to look back at your high school years and be like, ‘Why did I do that?’ So make sure you think everything through. I want to go to college. I'm looking [forward to either going to] Arizona [for college], but also Mizzou. I want to do something [in the] medical [field], but I want to do something with kids as well. I’m kind of scared, [but I would] probably do pre-med, [and become] a [pediatrician]. I've always liked helping [others] and being around little kids. I feel like it would be really rewarding to help little kids, especially if they're hurt and to make them feel better.” - Marissa Thomasson, 12

Marissa Thomasson

Andrea Restrepo, CJ1 Writer February 5, 2024

2024 Senior send-off map

2024 Senior send-off map

Dana Zafarani, Photo of the Week Editor January 8, 2024
In kindergarten, 2024 felt so far away, but as the year turned, many students in the Class of 2024 found it hard to believe how quickly their last year of high school came. Stepping into the spotlight, seniors are committing to their post-high school plans. Their journey will be recognized in the Senior Send-Off Map.
“My favorite hobby is volleyball. I’ve been playing since third grade, and I play for a club outside of school, and I also play for the school team. I love the supportive environment in volleyball, and everyone on the club team is my best friend, so volleyball is a way I get to see them almost every day. There was once when I sprained my ankle, and it took me out for a couple of weeks. It’s a bad feeling because you just have to sit on the sidelines and watch your teammates play, and sometimes your teammates will be losing and you can’t do anything to help them. I usually end up spraining my ankle at least once a season, though, so I’ve gotten used to it since almost everyone gets hurt at least once a season. What keeps me motivated in volleyball is not wanting to let my teammates down. I know some of them want to play volleyball in college, and so I always want to play my best to give them the best games and not take away any of their opportunities.” - Abby Vogelgesang, 11

Abby Vogelgesang

Angie Ren, Staff Writer May 26, 2023

“Something I am hoping to do in the future is college gymnastics. I have currently been doing gymnastics for 13 years, and my parents first put me in because they needed to find a way to get me out of the house. I have practice five days a week, and I compete from December through May. I have met some of my best friends through gymnastics, and my teammates and coaches motivate me to improve because just seeing my teammates work hard and progress makes me want to improve too. I’ve faced a few injuries throughout the years, and it can be really hard to recover from them. Because my practices are so often, if I’m injured I have to miss a lot of the time which can be really damaging to my improvement because gymnastics is all about repetition and it’s hard to get back into it after you take time off. I definitely want to do gymnastics in college, and I’m currently trying to get recruited by emailing coaches and sending videos of my gymnastics skills.” - Ava Bauman, 11

Ava Bauman

Angie Ren, Staff Writer May 15, 2023

“Currently, college has been stressful for me, especially because I’m trying to get recruited for field hockey, and a lot goes into that process. It’s overwhelming since I feel a lot of pressure to not only go to a good college but one that also has a competitive field hockey team. So far, I have attended college recruitment tournaments, and I have emailed several colleges. Still, I haven't completed my field hockey profile, which is where recruiters can see and learn more about me. I want to play field hockey in the future since I’ve been playing my whole life, and I love playing sports in general. Field hockey is my favorite hobby by far, and it’s something that makes me happy and always brings up my mentality. I spend all my time playing after school, and it’s my dream to continue playing in the future. I’m okay if I don’t end up playing for a division, I just want to keep doing what makes me happy.” - Ava Reuther, 11

Ava Reuther

Angie Ren, Staff Writer May 10, 2023

Applying epoxy to a broken car bumper, freshman Ruthvi Tadakamalla assists a Southern Technical (South Tech) student in the Auto Collision Repair program. Forty freshmen registered to tour the campus and participate in hands-on experiences to give them a taste of South Tech programs. “I learned that there [are] other careers I could do besides pre-med. Before I went, I wasn't thinking that I might like them, but I did like doing a lot of the things that we did,” Tadakamalla said.

A Look Inside South Tech

Grace Loethen, Staff Writer April 26, 2023

Windshield wipers, car bumpers and car paints of various colors adorn the Auto Collision Repair room, one of the many rooms on the Southern Technical (South Tech) campus where high schoolers from all over...

“My parents were really involved with school for me, they would always ask about my grades and stress the importance of school. I think that contributed to my desire to do well in school and take hard classes and I think it’s going to be very helpful for me in the future. I was really looking for a city vibe in college, and I recently just committed to Loyola so it’s gonna be really nice to have Chicago so close to me. The campus is beautiful and really close to the lake. I didn’t want a huge school in a college so Loyola is perfect. I regret not sticking with some of the sports [I played growing up]. I did gymnastics until junior year and I feel like I could have done a lot more. I feel like there's unfinished business there. Someone that impacted me growing up was my older sister Abby, she was always there for me when I needed her and always encouraged me to aim high and pursue my passions. I’m looking forward to college because I’m gonna be in a new city and I’ll get to make new friends. I’m super excited to be on my own and start my future,” - Tristan Caudill, 12

Tristan Caudill

Lia Emry, Staff Writer February 22, 2023